Article Summary
冯会成,张新强,王 博,关长勇,董志明.中老年肩痛患者疼痛及肩关节功能恢复的影响因素分析[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2023,(11):2078-2082.
Analysis of Factors Affecting Pain and Recovery of Shoulder Joint Function in Middle-aged and Elderly Patients with Shoulder Pain
Received:January 03, 2023  Revised:January 26, 2023
中文关键词: 中老年肩痛  疼痛  肩关节功能恢复
英文关键词: Middle-aged and elderly shoulder pain  Pain  Shoulder joint function recovery
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
冯会成 中国人民解放军总医院第八医学中心骨科 北京 100091 
张新强 中国人民解放军总医院第八医学中心骨科 北京 100091  
王 博 中国人民解放军总医院第八医学中心骨科 北京 100091  
关长勇 中国人民解放军总医院第八医学中心骨科 北京 100091  
董志明 中国人民解放军总医院第八医学中心骨科 北京 100091  
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      摘要 目的:探究分析中老年肩痛患者疼痛及肩关节功能恢复的影响因素分析。方法:采用便利抽样法,随机抽取2020年9月至2022年9月期间于我院门诊就诊的2010名中老年患者作为调查对象,对患者进行筛查、复查、确诊、随访等。并对所搜集信息进行疼痛及肩关节功能恢复单因素与多因素Logistic回归分析。结果:单因素分析显示,年龄(x2=15.274, P<0.001)、性别(x2=10.401, P=0.001)、病程(x2=16.410, P<0.001)和是否进行功能锻炼(x2=6.293, P=0.012)为影响中老年肩痛患者肩关节功能恢复的主要因素;年龄≥70岁(OR=1.292, 95%CI 0.953-1.750)、女性(OR=1.672, 95%CI 1.348-2.074)、病程>1个月(OR=1.470, 95%CI 1.021-2.116)和未进行功能锻炼(OR=1.844, 95%CI 1.175-2.894)为影响中老年肩痛患者肩关节功能恢复的独立危险因素。结论:年龄≥70岁、女性、病程>1个月和未进行功能锻炼为影响中老年肩痛患者肩关节功能恢复的独立危险因素,根据上述因素尽早快速甄别高风险患者,及早给予合理有效的康复治疗措施,可显著改善肩痛患者肩关节功能的预后。
      ABSTRACT Objective: Exploration and analysis of factors influencing pain and recovery of shoulder joint function in middle-aged and elderly patients with shoulder pain. Methods: Using a convenience sampling method, 2010 middle-aged and elderly patients who attended our outpatient clinic between September 2020 to September 2022 were randomly selected as subjects for screening, review, confirmation, and follow-up. The collected information was also analyzed by univariate and multifactorial logistic regression analysis for pain and shoulder function recovery. Results: Univariate analysis showed that age (x2=15.274, P<0.001), gender(x2=10.401, P=0.001), disease duration (x2=16.410, P<0.001) and whether functional exercise was performed (x2=6.293, P=0.012) were the main factors affecting the recovery of shoulder function in middle-aged and elderly patients with shoulder pain; age ≥70 years(OR=1.292, 95%CI 0.953-1.750), female (OR=1.672, 95%CI 1.348-2.074), duration of disease >1 month (OR=1.470, 95%CI 1.021-2.116) and no functional exercise(OR=1.844, 95%CI 1.175-2.894) were the independent risk factors affecting the functional recovery of shoulder joint in middle-aged and elderly patients with shoulder pain. independent risk factors for functional recovery of the shoulder joint in middle-aged and elderly patients. Conclusion: Age ≥70 years, female, disease duration >1 month and failure to perform functional exercise are independent risk factors affecting the recovery of shoulder joint function in middle-aged and elderly patients with shoulder pain. Early and rapid screening of high-risk patients based on these factors and early administration of reasonable and effective rehabilitation measures can significantly improve the prognosis of shoulder joint function in patients with shoulder pain.
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