Article Summary
赵丽莎,张阿妮,吴丽英,柏 璐,谢丽红.彩色多普勒超声评估卵巢癌周围血管受侵程度及可切除性的应用价值[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2020,(20):3888-3891.
Application Value of Color Doppler Ultrasound for the Evaluation of Invasion Degree and Resectability of Blood Vessels Around Ovarian Cancer
Received:May 08, 2020  Revised:May 31, 2020
中文关键词: 彩色多普勒超声  卵巢癌  周围血管受侵  可切除性  血流频谱
英文关键词: Color Doppler ultrasound  Ovarian cancer  Peripheral blood vessel invasion  Resectable  Blood flow spectrum
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
赵丽莎 空军军医大学第一附属医院妇产科 陕西 西安 710032 
张阿妮 咸阳市第一人民医院超声医学科 陕西 咸阳 712000  
吴丽英 空军军医大学第一附属医院妇产科 陕西 西安 710032  
柏 璐 空军军医大学第一附属医院妇产科 陕西 西安 710032  
谢丽红 空军军医大学第一附属医院妇产科 陕西 西安 710032  
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      摘要 目的:探讨彩色多普勒超声评估卵巢癌周围血管受侵程度及可切除性的应用价值。方法:选择2018年2月至2019年8月在本院诊治的卵巢癌患者548例作为研究对象,所有患者都给予彩色多普勒超声,评估患者的周围血管受侵程度及可切除性,记录患者的超声血流频谱。结果:超声诊断为卵巢癌周围血管受侵犯78例,占比14.2 %,诊断敏感性与特异性为97.5 %和100.0 %, ROC曲线面积为0.963。超声诊断为卵巢癌可切除450例,占比82.1 %,诊断敏感性与特异性为99.1 %和90.4 %,ROC曲线面积为0.897。手术切除患者的年龄、体重指数、病理类型、病程等与未手术切除患者对比差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。手术切除患者的搏动指数(pulsation index,PI)和阻力指数(resistance index,RI)高于非手术切除患者,血管舒张末期流速(end-diastolic velocity,EDV)、峰值流速(peak systolic velocity,PSV)低于非手术切除患者,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:彩色多普勒超声评估卵巢癌周围血管受侵程度及可切除性具有很好的敏感性与特异性,有利于指导卵巢癌患者的病情评估与治疗。
      ABSTRACT Objective: To explore the application value of color Doppler ultrasound for assessing the degree of vascular invasion and resectable surrounding ovarian cancer. Methods: From February 2018 to August 2019, 548 cases of patients with ovarian cancer diagnosed and treated in our hospital were selected as the research object. All patients were given color Doppler ultrasound to assess the degree of invasion and resecibility of the patients' peripheral blood vessels, the patient's ultrasound blood flow spectrum were recorded. Results: 78 cases of ovarian cancer with vascular invasion were diagnosed by ultrasonography, accounted for 14.2 %, the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity were 97.5 % and 100.0 %, and the ROC curve area was 0.963. 450 cases of ovarian cancer resectable were diagnosed by ultrasonography, accounted for 82.1%, the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity were 99.1 % and 90.4 %, and the ROC curve area was 0.897. There was no significant difference in the age, body mass index, pathological type, course of disease, etc. between patients who were surgically resected and those who were not surgically resected. The pulsation index (PI) and resistance index (RI) of surgically resected patients were higher than those of non-surgical resection patients, and the end-diastolic velocity (EDV) and peak systolic velocity (PSV) of surgically resected patients were lower than those of non-surgical resection patients. Conclusion: Color Doppler ultrasound have good sensitivity and specificity for evaluating the degree of vascular invasion and resectable surrounding ovarian cancer, which were helpful to guide the judgment and treatment of patients with ovarian cancer.
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