Objective:To study the distribution characteristics of multiple risk factors in patients with coronary heart disease in patients
with different levels of insulin resistance.Methods:166 cases of hospitalized patients with coronary heart disease in our hospital,
according to insulin resistance index (HOMA-IR) level will be divided into four groups: group A: HOMA-IR was less than or equal to
1.53 (n=36); group B: 1.53 < HOMA-IR was less than or equal to 3.46 (n=30); group C 3.46 < HOMA-IR was less than or equal to 5.13
(n=36); group D: HOMA-IR was more than or equal to 5.14 (n=64). Used the stable model assessment insulin resistance level of coronary
heart disease risk factors distribution.Results:C and D group's waist circumference, FBG, 2hPBG, LDL-C were higher than B, D group
INS were higher than B, B group, INS, C group LDL-C, D group, A group, TC higher than A group. The difference was statistically significant
(BMI, WHR, INS, TC, HDL-C, HOMA-IR) were statistically significant (P<0.05). Weight, waist circumference, 2hP- BG, TC,
HDL-C, INS were increased in patients with coronary heart disease and insulin resistance in hospitalized patients with FBG.Conclusion:Body weight,waist circumference, FBG, 2hPBG, INS, TC, and HDL-C are all increased in patients with coronary heart disease and insulin
resistance. |