冯阳阳 常宝生 刘向栋 武政 周煜虎 赵程锦△.锁定钢板固定术后内侧柱支撑能力与肱骨近端骨折患者预后的相关分析[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2017,17(6):1156-1159. |
锁定钢板固定术后内侧柱支撑能力与肱骨近端骨折患者预后的相关分析 |
Correlation between Medial Column Support after Locking Plate Fixation andPrognosis of Patients with Proximal Humerus Fractures |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 锁定钢板固定术 内侧柱支撑 肱骨近端骨折 |
英文关键词: Locking Plate Fixation Proximal Humerus Fractures Medial Column Support |
基金项目:陕西省卫生厅科研基金项目(2010H27) |
Hits: 775 |
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中文摘要: |
以重建内侧柱支持;B 组患者20 例,均使用1 枚支撑螺钉置入肱骨头内下方的软骨下骨;C 组患者14例,均使用2 枚或2 枚以上
支撑螺钉置入肱骨头内下方的软骨下骨;D组患者25 例,均未进行肱骨近端内侧骨皮质解剖复位,亦未使用锁定螺钉固定。比较
各组患者术后Constant 评分、VAS(visual analogue scale)评分、骨折愈合时间、肱骨头高度丢失值、肱骨头内翻角、并发症发生情况
及二次手术率。结果:与无支撑重建组相比,骨皮质解剖复位组、单枚螺钉支撑重建组以及多枚螺钉支撑重建组的VAS 评分、骨
板患者预后相关,内侧柱支撑能力的越高,患者术后骨折愈合、肩关节恢复越佳,而并发症发生率以及二次手术率越低。 |
英文摘要: |
Objective:To investigate the correlativity between medial column support after locking plate fixation and prognosis of
patients with proximal humerus fractures.Methods:107 patients who had proximal humerus fractures and underwent locking plate
fixation were divided into four groups according to the method of medial column support. 48 patients in group A received anatomic
reduction of the cortical bone. 20 patients in group B received insertion of single medial support screw. 14 patients in group C received
insertion of more than two medial support screws. 25 patients in group D had no anatomic reduction of the cortical bone or insertion of
medial support screws. Compare the Constant score, visual analogue scale (VAS) score, bone healing time, average height loss of
humerus head, loss of the head-shaft angle, complications and reoperation rates of patients between four groups.Results:Compared with
group D, the VAS score, bone healing time, average height loss of humerus head and loss of the head-shaft angle of patients in group A,
B and C all decreased significantly. But the Constant score in group A, B and C increased significantly. The increase of Constant score
was the greatest in group A and smallest in group C. All had significant differences (t=23.100, 22.130, 7.267, 68.440, 47.900, all P<0.
001). Compared with group D, the complications and reoperation rates of patients in group A, B and C decreased significantly, and the
decrease was the greatest in group A and smallest in groupB (X2=12.938, 11.904; P=0.005, 0.008).Conclusion:The medial column
support after locking plate fixation is correlative with the prognosis of patients with proximal humerus fractures. Enhancing the medial
column support of patients with proximal humerus fractures can promote the fracture healing and the recovery of shoulder functional,
lower the complications and reoperation rates. |
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