Article Summary
匡敏 邬颖华 胡小艳 刘雪梅 郑黎.能谱CT鉴别肺癌成骨性转移瘤与骨岛[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2016,16(23):4487-4490.
Application of Spectral CT Imaging in Differential Diagnosis of OsteoblasticMetastases and Bone Islands
中文关键词: 肺癌  成骨性转移瘤  骨岛  能谱CT 成像
英文关键词: Lung neoplasms  Osteoblastic metastases  Bone island  CT energy spectrumimaging
Author NameAffiliation
匡敏 邬颖华 胡小艳 刘雪梅 郑黎 成都市第二人民医院成都中医药大学 成都中医药大学附属医院 
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      目的:探讨能谱CT 成像在鉴别诊断肺癌成骨性转移瘤(Osteoblastic metastases, OBMs)与骨岛(Bone island,BIs)的临床应用 价值。方法:回顾性分析经病理证实的16 例肺癌患者诊断为成骨性转移瘤36 个病灶及临床诊断21 例骨岛患者21 个病灶,所有 患者均行能谱CT扫描,测量各病灶40-140 keV区间单能量水平CT 值及钙(水)基物质浓度,最后计算出能谱曲线斜率k。采用 独立样本t 检验对两组各参数进行差异性比较分析。结果:OBMs的各水平单能量CT 值、k 值、钙(水)浓度均低于BIs,两组差异 均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:能谱CT有助于鉴别诊断肺癌成骨性转移瘤与骨岛。
      Objective:To investigate the clinical application of spectral CT imaging in the differential diagnosis of osteoblastic metastases (OBMs) in patients with lung cancer and bone islands (BIs).Methods:Retrospectively reviewed 16 patients with lung cancer were diagnosed OBMs 36 lesions and clinical diagnosed of 21 patients with BIs in 21 lesions. All lung cancer patients had been confirmed by histopathological examination. All patients were received the spectral CT plain scan. The CT value of monochromatic spectral images at energy levels ranging from 40 - 140keV and the calcium (water)concentrations were measured. And calculated the slopes of spectral attenuation curves. Using independent-sample t-test was used to compare those values between OBMs and Bis.Results:The CT value of monochromatic spectral images, calcium(water)concentrations and the slopes of spectral attenuation curves for OBMs were significantly lower than BIs (P<0.05 for all).Conclusion:Spectral CT is helpful for differentiation of OBMs in lung cancer fromBIs.
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