李亚静 郝峻烽 刘娇娜 张晓玲 白久旭 曹宁.血液透析血压及其变异性与患者预后的相关性分析[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2016,16(19):3720-3723. |
血液透析血压及其变异性与患者预后的相关性分析 |
Analysis of the Association between Blood Pressure Variability duringDialysis and Prognosis of Patients treated by Maintenance Haemodialysis |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 维持性血液透析 血压 变异性 预后 |
英文关键词: Maintenance hemodialysis Blood pressure Variability Mortality |
基金项目:全军医学科技青年培育项目计划课题(13QNP002) |
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中文摘要: |
心2010 年1 月1 日至2013年12月31日收治的维持性血液透析患者,收集并对比随访期内生存及死亡患者的自然信息及临床
资料,评估血液透析过程中患者血压及其变异程度与患者预后的关系。结果:共有269例患者纳入研究,经过4 年随访共死亡83
(30.86%)例。死亡组年龄显著大于存活组(64.92± 13.24 岁比49.89± 12.86 岁,P=0.000),而透析年限显著短于存活组(2.60± 2.56
年比7.25± 4.14 年,P=0.000)。死亡组透析前SBP(P=0.001)、DBP(P=0.000)、MAP(P=0.000)均显著高于存活组。两组间透析后SBP、
SBP 变异率显著高于存活组(P=0.001);死亡组透析后SBP 变异率(P=0.000)、DBP 变异率(P=0.014)、MAP 变异率(P=0.005)均高于
存活组。死亡组每次透析前各时间点间SBP 变异率(0.12± 0.04 mmHg 比0.09± 0.03 mmHg,P=0.000)与MAP 变异率(0.10± 0.03
mmHg 比0.09± 0.03 mmHg,P=0.001)显著高于非死亡组。结论:维持性血液透析患者透析前血压、透析前后血压改变幅度、透析
前后血压变异率、每次透析各时间点间血压变异率等与全因死亡相关。 |
英文摘要: |
Objective:To determine the association between blood pressure variability during dialysis and prognosis of patients
treated by maintenance haemodialysis.Methods:A longitudinal observational study of patients commencing haemodialysis from 2010 to
2013 in our blood purification center was performed. The relationship between blood pressure variability during dialysis and mortality
was assessed.Results:Of 269 patients enrolled, 83 (30.86%) patients died during the follow-up of 4 years. Pre-dialytic SBP(P=0.001),
DBP (P=0.000), MAP (P=0.000) were significantly higher in the death group. No significant difference was found in Post-dialytic SBP,
DBP and MAP between the two groups. Post-dialytic drops in SBP(P=0.026), DBP(P=0.001) and MAP(P=0.001) were more significant
in death gourp. Coefficient of variation in pre-dialytic SBP (P=0.001), Post-dialytic SBP (P=0.000), DBP (P=0.014) and MAP(P=0.005)
were significantly higher in the death group. Coefficient of variation in SBP(P=0.000) and MAP(P=0.001) were significantly higher in the
death group.Conclusion:Our study shows that pre-dialysis systolic blood pressure, blood pressure variability during dialysis were associated
with all-cause mortality of patients treated by maintenance haemodialysis. |
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