Article Summary
刘艳 徐春 沈南 李剑白 任波 张洋.高频超声在乳腺微小结节良恶性鉴别诊断中的应用价值[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2015,15(24):4732-4734.
Application of High Frequency Ultrasound in Benign and Malignant SmallBreast Nodules
中文关键词: 高频超声  乳腺微小结节  良恶性  鉴别诊断  应用价值
英文关键词: High frequency ultrasound  Small breast nodules  Benign and malignant  Differential diagnosis  Application value
Author NameAffiliation
刘艳 徐春 沈南 李剑白 任波 张洋 辽宁省盘锦市中心医院超声科北京大学人民医院ICU 
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      目的:探究高频超声在乳腺微小结节良恶性鉴别诊断中的应用价值及其超声表现。方法:选取我院乳腺外科收治的确诊为 乳腺微小结节的患者184 例,术前采用高频超声技术对患者进行结节探测,将探测结果与病理切片比较,同时对良恶性微小结节 之间的形态、血流、微钙化以及边缘轮廓等情况进行图像分析,总结两者之间存在的差异。结果:①经过高频超声,检测出184 例 乳腺微小结节患者,有238 处微小结节,其中良性结节194 处、恶性结节44 处;病理切片显示,微小结节244 处,其中良性结节 197 处、恶性结节47 处。与病理切片比较,高频超声的结节检出率高达97.5 %,良恶性结节的检出准确率分别为98.5 %、93.6 %; ②结节形态规则度对比,良性结节较恶性结节更规则(P<0.05);钙化情况比较,并非所有结节都出现钙化,两者钙化情况暂无可比 性;结节边缘轮廓清晰度比较,良性结节多表现为边缘清晰,而恶性肿瘤多表现为边缘模糊;结节边缘良性结节较恶性结节更清 晰;③血流检出率比较,恶性结节组显著高于良性结节组(P<0.05)。结论:高频超声技术对乳腺微小结节的检出率较高,错误率较 低,是鉴别乳腺微小结节良恶性的重要手段,具有较高的应用价值,对乳腺癌的早期诊断具有重大意义。
      Objective:To explore the application value of high frequency ultrasound in benign and malignant small breast nodules and its ultrasonic manifestations.Methods:184 cases of patients diagnosed small breast nodules in our hospital were selected. Before operation, these nodules were detected using high frequency ultrasound technology, which were compared with postoperative pathological detection results. The morphology, blood flow, microcalcification and outline of nodules between benign nodules and malignant nodules was also analyzed and compared.Results:By high-frequency ultrasound, 238 small nodules were detected in the 184 patients with breast small nodules, including 194 benign nodules and 44 malignant nodules; Pathological section showed 244 small nodules, of which 197 benign nodules and 47 malignant nodules. Compared with the pathological slice, high-frequency ultrasound nodule detection rate was as high as 97.5 %, benign and malignant nodules detection accuracy rate were 98.5 %, 98.5%; Nodules form rule contrast, benign nodules more rules than malignant nodules, calcified situation is, not all nodules of calcification, no comparability between calcification is; Nodal brim contour sharpness, benign nodules showed more edge was clear, and malignant tumor more cash for edge blur, nodal brim benign nodules more clear than malignant nodules; for the detection of blood flow, malignant nodules group was significantly higher than that of benign nodules group.Conclusion:High frequency ultrasound detection rate of small breast nodules is higher with low error rate, is the important way to identify small nodules of benign and malignant breast, has higher application value and plays an important role for the early diagnosis of breast cancer.
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