侯慧 颜斌 蔡迎彬 荣亮 李炳雪.Rockall危险性积分对急性上消化道出血患者临床预后的预测价值[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2015,15(20):3914-3916. |
Rockall危险性积分对急性上消化道出血患者临床预后的预测价值 |
Value of Rockall Score in Prediction of Clinical Prognosis for Patientswith Acute Upper Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 急性上消化道出血 Rockall 危险性积分 预后 |
英文关键词: Acute upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage Rockall risk score Prognosis |
基金项目:新疆医科大学科研创新基金(XJC2013197) |
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中文摘要: |
目的:探讨Rockall 危险性积分对急性上消化道出血(AUGIH)患者临床预后的预测价值。方法:选择2012 年1月至2014 年
1 月我院收治的120 例AUGIH 患者,依据Rockall 评分标准对患者相关临床资料进行收集,并计算其Rockall 危险性积分评分,
记录患者再出血率及死亡率。结果:120 例AUGIH 患者中,低危组39 例(32.5%)、中危组72 例(60.0%)、高危组9 例(7.5%)。高危
Rockall评分系统可作为AUGIH 患者预后预测的重要指标,对急诊AUGIH 预后的判断具有重要临床意义。 |
英文摘要: |
Objective:To explore the value of rockall score in prediction of clinical prognosisfor patients with acute upper
gastrointestinal hemorrhage (AUGIH).Methods:A total of 120 patients with AUGIH, admitted to the Fifth Affiliated Hospital of
Xinjiang Medical University from January 2012 to January 2014, were selected. The clinical data of patients were collected according to
the Rockall score standard, the Rockall risk scores of the patients were calculated,and the rebleeding and death rates of the patients were
recorded .Results:Among the 120 patients with AUGIH, 39 cases (32.5%) belonged to low risk group, 72 cases (60%), medium risk
group and 9 cases (7.5%), high risk group. The rebleeding(33.3%) and mortality(22.2%) in the high-risk group were, significantly higher
than that(16.7%) and that(15.3%) in mediumrisk groups, with significant difference (P<0.05).Conclusion:Rockall scoring systemcan be
used as an important index in the prediction of clinical prognosis for patients with AUGIH, which has a significant clinical significance
for judging the prognosis of emergency AUGIH patients. |
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