Article Summary
李卫平 郭秀全 王养民 张惠芳 蓝天.膀胱副神经节瘤的诊治分析(附1 例病例报告并文献复习)[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2015,15(10):1903-1905.
膀胱副神经节瘤的诊治分析(附1 例病例报告并文献复习)
Analysis of Diagnosis and Treatment for Pheochromocytomain UrinaryBladder:1 Case Report and Literature Review
中文关键词: 副神经节瘤  膀胱  诊断  治疗
英文关键词: Pheochromocytoma  Bladder  Diagnosis  Therapeutics
Author NameAffiliation
李卫平 郭秀全 王养民 张惠芳 蓝天 兰州军区兰州总医院泌尿外科兰州大学第二临床医学院泌尿外科 
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      目的:总结膀胱副神经节瘤的诊治方法及体会,提高膀胱副神经节瘤的诊断和治疗水平。方法:报告1 例膀胱嗜铬细胞瘤的 临床资料并结合文献复习分析总结膀胱副神经节瘤的诊断治疗方法。结果:患者行腹腔镜下膀胱部分切除术,手术成功,术后顺 利出院,随访至今无转移。结论:膀胱副神经节瘤的诊断主要依靠临床表现和实验室检查,血尿、高血压和排尿时典型发作三联征 为膀胱副神经节瘤的主要症状,对于瘤体较小的患者要警惕CT 检查漏诊的可能性,可行活组织检查进行确诊。腹腔镜下切除是 目前治疗膀胱副神经节瘤最有效、创伤最小的方法,但术后要严格随访。
      Objective:To evaluate the approaches for diagnosis and treatment of pheochromocytomain urinary bladder.Methods:1 case of pheochromocytomain urinary bladder was included. No hypertension was observed, and there was no paroxysmal hypertension during urination. Intermittent macrohematuria was not found. Bladder occupations were detected by B-ultrasound and bladder submucosal neoplasm was discovered with cystoscopy. Partial cystectomy was performed.Results:Patients with successful operation, postoperative discharge smoothly, and follow-up metastasis is not found yet, laparoscopic partial cystectomy is the most advanced, effective, and minimal trauma treatment.Conclusion:The diagnosis of pheochromocytomain urinary bladder relies mainly on the clinical manifestation and laboratory examination, the typical compsite symptoms consist of intermittent macrohematuria, hypertension and paroxysmal occurrence during micturition. Patients with small tumors are alert to the possibility of misdiagnosis in CT examination, biopsy can make a definite diagnosis. Laparoscopic resection the most effective, minimal trauma threrapeutic method. Postoperative follow-up make a pivotal role in monitoring the recurrence or metastasis of the tumor.
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