Article Summary
郎海燕 马薇 张雅月 石凤芹 陈信义.龙丹生血颗粒对骨髓抑制小鼠血象与巨核细胞影响的研究[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2014,14(33):6415-6419.
Effect of Long Dan Sheng Xue Granule on the Peripheral HemogramandMegakaryocyte of Myelosuppression Model Mice induced byCyclophosphamide
中文关键词: 龙丹生血颗粒  环磷酰胺  骨髓抑制
英文关键词: Long Dan Sheng Xue Granule  Cyclophosphamide  Myelosuppression
Author NameAffiliation
LANG Hai-yan, MA Wei, ZHANG Ya-yue, SHI Feng-qin, CHEN Xin-yi 北京中医药大学东方医院
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      目的:用环磷酰胺(CTX)复制小鼠骨髓抑制动物模型,观察龙丹生血颗粒对模型动物血液学检查和骨髓巨核细胞的影响。 方法:70 只昆明种小鼠标记后,除空白组外,其余动物首次尾静脉注射给予环磷酰胺200 mg/kg,第二天后改用每天腹腔注射30 mg/kg,连续6 天之后,断尾采血行血液学检查。挑选外周血血小板较正常组减少至30 %以上的小鼠,随机分为模型、白介素-11、 升血小板胶囊、龙丹生血颗粒大、中、小剂量6 组,每组10 只。龙丹生血颗粒大、中、小剂量组分别灌胃龙丹生血颗粒浸膏粉混悬 液13.75 g生药/kg、6.88 g生药/kg、3.44 g生药/kg;升血小板胶囊组灌胃1.125 g内容物/kg;白介素-11 组皮下注射白介素-11 250 滋g/kg;正常组、模型组灌胃饮用水。各组每天给药1 次,灌胃容积0.2 mL/10g,连续14 天。分别于给药第7 天、14天采血行外 周血象检查,末次采血后处死动物,取股骨骨髓做骨髓涂片,光镜检查分类计数巨核细胞数量。结果:以给药后与给药前差值统 计,龙丹生血颗粒大、中剂量组小鼠外周血PLT(给药14 天)、WBC(给药7 天)比模型组差值明显增大(P<0.01 或P<0.05);龙丹生 血颗粒各剂量组给药7 天、14天的RBC、Hgb 比模型组同期差值明显增大(P<0.01 或P<0.05);龙丹生血颗粒中剂量组小鼠骨髓 巨核细胞总数、颗粒巨核细胞比模型组显著增加(P<0.05)。结论:龙丹生血颗粒对环磷酰胺导致小鼠外周血PLT、WBC、RBC、Hgb 减少具有治疗作用,但对骨髓巨核细胞的恢复作用有待进一步证实。
      Objective:To observe the influence of Long Dan Sheng Xue granule on hematological examination and megakaryocyte of myelosuppression model mice induced by cyclophosphamide (CTX).Methods:Except blank group, the mice were administered CTX (200 mg/kg) fromthe first tail vein, and after the 2nd day changed to intraperitoneal injection 30 mg/kg a day, after six consecutive days, blood sample was collected to conduct hematological examination. The mice whose peripheral blood platelet was decreased to more than 30% of normal group was selected and divided randomly into model group, interleukin-11 group, Sheng Xuexiaoban capsule group, large, middle, and small doses of Long Dan Sheng Xue Granule groups, 6 groups total and 10 mice each group. To the large, middle, and small dose of Long Dan Sheng Xue Granule groups, the mice were administered by gavage Long Dan Sheng Xue Granule extract powder mixed suspension 13.75 g crude drug/kg, 6.88 g crude drug/kg, 3.44 g crude drug, respectively; to Sheng Xuexiaoban capsule group, 1.125 g content/kg was given by gavage; to interleukin-11 group, subcutaneous injection of interleukin-11 250 滋g/kg was performed; to normal and model groups, gavage potable water was performed. The dose was once a day and the volume of gavage was 0.2 mL/10 g, to continue 14 days. On the 7th and 14th day, blood sample was conducted to peripheral hemogram examination respectively, after the last blood sampling, the animals were executed, and extracted femoral bone marrow for bone marrow smear. Light microscope examination was performed to get the quantities of megakaryocyte of differential counting.Results:According to statistics of difference value after and before dosing, the difference values of PLT (dosing 14 days) and WBC (dosing 7 days) of large and middle dose of Long Dan Sheng Xue Granule groups mice in peripheral blood increased obviously (P<0.01 or P<0.05) compared with model group; the difference value of RBC and Hgb of each dose group of Long Dan Sheng Xue Granule with 7 days and 14 days dosing increased obviously (P<0.01 or P<0.05) compared with the same period of model group; the difference value of total marrow megakaryocyte count and granular megakaryocyte count of middle dose group of Long Dan Sheng Xue Granule increased obviously (P<0.05) compared with model group.Conclusion:Long Dan Sheng Xue Granule has therapeutical effect on the inhibition of peripheral blood PLT, WBC, RBC and Hgb induced by CTX in mice. But whether it can recover bone marrow megakaryocytes remains to be further confirmed.
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