Article Summary
段峰王茂强△ 刘凤永宋鹏王燕阎洁羽袁凯.数字化远程介入手术示教的实践与思考[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2014,14(15):2965-2966.
Practices and Considerations of Digital Remote Interventional Live CasePresentation
中文关键词: 数字化教学  远程转播  介入放射
英文关键词: Digital teaching  Remote Presentation  Interventional radiology
Author NameAffiliation
DUAN Feng, WANG Mao-qiang, LIU Feng-yong,SONG Peng, WANG Yan, YAN Jie-yu,YUAN Kai 解放军总医院介入放射科北京100853 
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      摘要目的:探讨介入手术远程演示教学系统的应用及效果。方法:采取多机组、多屏幕实况转播,将导管室的高清血管造影图像、 术野图像、全景图像传输到会场。结果:学员对介入手术远程转播满意度为100%,其中最满意的是转播交互环节。本次共进行10 台手术远程转播,无一例转播相关并发症发生,患者对治疗评价均及保护隐私情况非常满意。基本实现了导管室与会场的双向音 视频互动,学员同术者在手术过程中的直接交流起到了较好的教学效果。结论:介入手术演示已经成为继续医学教育必不可少的 手段,数字化介入手术转播是将来介入手术转播的发展方向。
      ABSTRACT Objective:To discuss the application of the long-range demonstration of interventional procedures on the clinical teaching.Methods: The multi-video cameras and multi-monitors were used to demonstrate interventional procedures in national continuous education work-shop.Results: The satisfaction of students on the remote broadcast intervention operation was 100%, and the most satisfactory was the interaction link. There was no related complications in the ten remote interventional surgeries with the satisfaction of patients for treatment and privacy. Follow-up showed that teaching efficacy was achieved by this way.Conclusion: It is indicated that the remote interventional live case presentation has become one of the indispensable methods for the development of digital radiology.
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