Article Summary
严小鹏 徐新华 吕毅 吟马佳 陆建文 徐向华 马锋.介绍一种防滑脱双气囊胃管的设计[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2014,14(14):2776-2778.
An Introduction of one Novel Type Slippage-PreventingBi-gasbag Stomach Tube Design
中文关键词: 气囊  胃管
英文关键词: Gasbag  Nasogastric tube
基金项目:卫生部部属(管)医院临床学科重点项目(2010105);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(XKJC2013003);国家自然科学基 金科学仪器专项(81127005);西安交通大学医学院第一附属医院新医疗新技术项目
Author NameAffiliation
YAN Xiao-peng, XU Xin-hua, LV Yi, MA Jia,LU Jian-wen, XU Xiang-hua, MA Feng 西安交通大学医学院第一附属医院肝胆外科 西安交通大学先进外科技术与工程研究所 陕西省人民医院肿瘤外科 
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      目前经鼻胃肠减压术中鼻胃管主要依靠胶布黏贴来实现固定,此法在实际应用中存在很多缺点,诸如:部分患者对胶布过 敏;鼻翼及脸颊部油脂分泌旺盛导致黏贴效果不牢靠;面部烧伤的患者无法固定;儿童、烦躁患者、对胃管刺激耐受性差的患者、 部分患者在活动中对胃管的无意牵拉等常导致非计划性拔管,这样再次置管不仅增加患者痛苦,而且加大了医护人员工作量,在 某些情况下还会延误诊疗。为解决现有传统胃管易脱出难题及特殊患者胃管难以固定的问题,笔者设计了一种防滑脱双气囊胃 管。该新型胃管在结构设计上通过增加两个气囊来实现防滑脱和体外免胶布固定的目的。当双气囊充入适量气体后,胃内气囊受 贲门制约、鼻腔内气囊受鼻前庭制约,不仅可以有效防止胃管意外脱出,并且无需用胶布固定胃管的体外段。该胃管尤其适用于 传统胃管固定困难的患者。文中将详细介绍防滑脱双气囊胃管的结构设计、使用方法、工作原理及临床应用优势。
      Nowadays nasogastric tube for gastrointestinal decompression is usually immobilized with adhesive tape, which has many disadvantages in practical application. For example: some patients are allergic to the adhesive tape; the excessive grease secretion of ala nasi and cheek often leads to the fixation failure; the method can't be applied to the face-burnt patients; unplanned tube drawing always happens in children, agitated patients, patients who have poor tolerance for the gastrointestinal discomfort,unintentional tract pulling because of accidentally pulling. Under these circumstances, the secondary cathetering often results in the increase of patient suffering and the medical-care work. In some cases, this even delays medical diagnosis and treatment. Thus, a kind of slippage-preventing bi-gasbag stomach tube is invented to solve the problems mentioned above. Slippage-preventing and no adhesive tape can be achieved by two added sacculus of the newtype stomach tube. Nasal vestibule and cardia can respectively immobilize the gasbag in the corresponding position when gases come in, which can avoid the tube slipping and adhesive tape using. These novel type stomach tubes especially apply to the patients who have difficulties in the traditional stomach tube immobilization. This article will introduce the structure design, usage, operating principle and clinical application advantages of the novel stomach tube further.
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