Article Summary
毛彦彬1 曹玮2 张志辉3 周忠祥3 梁志会4△.神经胶质瘤中PTEN、Ki-67和HIF-1α的表达 及临床意义*[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2014,14(10):1907-1910.
神经胶质瘤中PTEN、Ki-67和HIF-1α的表达 及临床意义*
Expression and Clinical Significances of PTEN,Ki-67 and HIF-1αin Human Gliomas*
中文关键词: 胶质瘤  PTEN  Ki-67  HIF-1α  免疫组化
英文关键词: Glioma  PTEN  Ki-67  HIF-1α  Immunohistochemistry
Author NameAffiliation
MAO Yan-bin, CAO Wei, ZHANG Zhi-hui,ZHOU Zhong-xiang, LIANG Zhi-hui 1 河北宁晋中西医结合医院放射科河北宁晋0555502 第四军医大学唐都医院介入放射科陕西西安710032 3 石家庄陆军指挥学院门诊部河北石家庄0500004 白求恩国际和平医院放射科河北石家庄050000 
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      摘要目的:抑癌基因PTEN、癌基因Ki-67 及HIF-1α对多种人类肿瘤的恶性进展均起重要的调控作用。本研究主要探讨PTEN、 Ki-67 及HIF-1α在人脑胶质瘤中的表达及临床意义,为胶质瘤患者预后的判定、分子病理学的诊断、基因靶向的治疗奠定理论基 础。方法:在83例原发性人脑胶质瘤组织样本中,通过免疫组化的方法检测PTEN、Ki-67 及HIF-1α的表达情况,并分析其表达 相互间及其表达与肿瘤恶性级别之间的相关性。结果:在正常脑组织中,PTEN 的表达均为阳性,Ki-67 的表达均为阴性,10% (1/10)的样本HIF-1α的表达为阳性。在胶质细胞瘤中,PTEN 的表达显著降低(P=0.001),而Ki-67(P<0.001)和HIF-1α(P=0.001) 的表达明显增高。随肿瘤恶性级别的增高,PTEN 的表达呈降低趋势(P<0.001),而Ki-67 和HIF-1α的表达呈升高趋势(两者P 均<0.001)。相关性分析表明,PTEN 的表达与Ki-67 和HIF-1α的表达呈负相关(r值分别为-0.289 和-0.304;P值分别为0.008 和 0.005),Ki-67 的表达与HIF-1α的表达呈正相关(r=0.833;P<0.001)。结论:胶质瘤组织缺乏抑癌基因PTEN 蛋白的表达,而高度 表达癌基因Ki-67 和HIF-1α。抑癌基因PTEN 表达减少或失活,癌基因Ki-67 和HIF-1α的过表达对胶质瘤恶性进展可能起到至 关重要的作用。PTEN、Ki-67 和HIF-1α蛋白的联合检测对胶质瘤恶性程度和预后的判定有十分重要的临床意义。
      ABSTRACT Objective:Tumor suppressor PTEN, oncogene Ki-67 and HIF-1αplay important roles in the malignant progression of multiple human tumors. In this study, we mainly investigate the expression and the clinical significances of PTEN, Ki-67 and HIF-1αin human gliomas to lay a foundation for the assessment of prognosis, the molecular pathological diagnosis and the treatment of gene targeting in glioma patients. Methods:Expression status of PTEN, Ki-67 and HIF-1αwas detected by immunohistochemistry in 83 cases of human glioma specimens. Correlations of the expression between each other, as well as correlations between the expression and malignant grade were also analyzed.Results: All the normal brain tissues showed PTEN positive and Ki-67 negative expression, while 10%(1/10) specimens showed HIF-1αpositive. In gliomas, PTEN expression was significantly decreased (P=0.001), while expression of Ki-67 (P<0.001) and HIF-1α(P=0.001) were both increased. With the ascending of the malignant grade, PTEN expression was significantly decreased (P<0.001) but expression of Ki-67 and HIF-1αwas increased (P<0.001, for both). Furthermore, relevant analyses indicated that correlations between PTEN expression and Ki-67 or HIF-1αexpression were negative (r=-0.289 and -0.304, respectively;P=0. 008 and 0.005, respectively), while correlation between Ki-67 expression and HIF-1琢expression was positive (r=0.833;P<0.001). Conclusiong:Expression of tumor suppressor PTEN was down-regulated, while expression of oncogene Ki-67 and HIF-1αwas up-regulated in gliomas. Down-regulation or inactivation of PTEN tumor suppressor, up-regulation of oncogene Ki-67 and HIF-1αmay play important roles in the malignant progression of gliomas. Combined detection of PTEN、Ki-67 and HIF-1αprotein may play important clinical roles in the assessment of the malignancy and prognosis of gliomas. Glioma; PTEN; Ki-67; HIF-1α; Immunohistochemistry
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