Article Summary
潘姿娇 王建红 何敏.几种药物对吗啡相关的条件位置偏好影响的研究进展[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2014,14(1):187-189.
Research Progress of Drugs Related to Morphine ConditionedPlace Preference
中文关键词: 药物  吗啡  条件位置偏好
英文关键词: Medicine  Morphine  Condition place preference
Author NameAffiliation
PAN Zi-jiao, WANG Jian-hong, HE Min 昆明医科大学生理系中国科学院昆明动物研究所灵长类认知实验室 
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      条件化位置偏好(conditioned place preference,CPP),常用于研究药物成瘾的相关记忆。这里主要综述了一些药物对CPP的 影响。神经肽S,神经肽FF,肌肽,孤啡肽,琢-2 受体激动剂,L- 左旋千金藤啶碱,东莨菪碱,丙戊酸钠,巴氯芬对吗啡CPP 有抑制效 应;聚肌胞苷酸,氟伏沙明和金刚烷胺能增强吗啡CPP;阿坎酸能抑制乙醇和某些类别的滥用药物的条件化奖赏效应,但不影响 吗啡引起的条件化奖赏效应;褪黑激素逆转吗啡诱导的奖赏效应;人重组干扰素- 琢导致吗啡CPP 的恢复。
      Conditioned place preference (cpp)was used in studying drug addiction related to memory. Here we mainly reviewed the effect of some drugs on cpp. Neuropeptide S and neuropeptide FF, carnosine, opioid peptide nociceptin, 琢-2 agonists, l-stepholidine , scopolamine, valproate sodium, baclofen impaired morphine cpp; polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid, fluvoxamine and amantadine anti enhanced morphine cpp; anti-relapse compound acamprosate suppressed ethanol and certain categories of drug abuse, but had no effect on morphine cpp; elatonin melatonic reversed of morphine-induced the rewarding effect; recombinant human interferon-琢can retrieved morphine cpp.
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