Article Summary
Review of Drug Therapy for Acute Spinal Cord Injury
中文关键词: 脊髓损伤  神经生长因子  丙戊酸
英文关键词: Spinal cord injury  Nerve growth factor  Valproic acid
Author NameAffiliation
OU Xiao-ran, XIA Ya-yi, DONG Hai-tao, ZHAO Lin△ 兰州大学第二医院 
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      脊髓损伤(spinal cord injury, SCI)是临床上常见的一种创伤性疾病。随着社会的发展呈现上升的趋势,其来源主要有交通事 故,工伤,坠落伤,暴力伤,运动损伤,积累性损伤等。传统的手术治疗是围绕脊柱的骨性结构进行椎管减压、脊柱稳定性的重建, 并不能解决瘫痪的主要原因- 脊髓损伤问题,预后并不理想。近年来国内外学者都在对SCI 进行深入研究,想要找到SCI 的根本 机制,从而能针对性的研究出能改变SCI 患者预后的药物。本文就对脊髓损伤目前的常用治疗药物做一篇综述。
      Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a common invasive disease in clinic. With the development of society, its incidence trends to rise, mainly from traffic accidents, injuries incurred while working, fall injuries, violence injuries, sports injuries, cumulative injuries and so on. Traditional operation is centering on the spinal structure to decompress the spinal canal, rebuild the spinal stability, but can not resolve the main cause of paralysis------spinal cord injury, so the prognosis is not good. In recent years, domestic and foreign scholars are doing further research to find out the internal mechanism of it, in order to work out targeted drugs which can change the prognosis of patients with SCI. In this paper, it is doing a review of commonly used drugs for spinal cord injury treatment.
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