Article Summary
姜新金玉明姜应波王敏捷李蓉阳健.慢性前列腺炎患者前列腺液白细胞浓度与前列腺液尿酸 及锌含量的相关性研究[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2012,12(5):922-924.
慢性前列腺炎患者前列腺液白细胞浓度与前列腺液尿酸 及锌含量的相关性研究
Correlation of EPS Leukocyte Quantity with the Contents of EPS UricAcid and Zinc of Chronic Prostatitis(CP)
中文关键词: 前列腺液  白细胞  尿酸  
英文关键词: Prostate Secretion  Leukocytes  Uric acid  Zinc
Author NameAffiliation
JIANG Xin, JIN Yu-ming, JIANG Ying-bo,WANG Min-jie, LI Rong,YANG Jian 解放军第422 医院泌尿外科 
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      目的:探讨慢性前列腺炎患者前列腺液中白细胞(WBC)数量与前列腺液尿酸(UA)、锌(Zn)含量的关系。方法:选取慢性前 列腺炎患者128 例,健康对照组52 例。分别进行EPS 中白细胞(WBC)数量、尿酸(UA)和锌(Zn)含量测定。结果:慢性前列腺炎患 者前列腺液UA 含量显著高于健康对照组,Zn 含量显著低于健康对照组,前列腺液中WBC 数量与UA 含量呈显著正相关,与Zn 含量呈显著负相关(P<0.01)。2 慢性前列腺炎患者治疗前后EPS 中的UA 和Zn 对比有显著性差异。结论:EPS 中的尿酸(U A)、 锌(Zn)含量对慢性前列腺炎的诊断与评估疗效有一定价值。
      Objective: To explore the correlation of EPS leukocyte quantity with the contents of EPS uric acid (UA) and zinc(Zn) in chronic prostatitis (CP) patients. Methods: The EPS samples were collected from 128 cases of CP patients, 52 cases of healthy donors. Results: The EPS Zn in the CP patients was significantly lower than those of healthy donors; The EPS UA in the CP patients was significantly higher than those of healthy donors ,EPS Zn was negatively correlated with leukocyte quantity (P<0.0l), EPS UA was positively correlated with leukocyte quantity (P<0.0l). Conclusions: Measurements of the level of uric acid(UA) and zinc(Zn) in EPS can serve as valuable parameters in the diagnosis and assessment of the therapy of chronic prostatitis(CP).
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