Article Summary
Application of MRA in Diagnosis of Jugular Vein Diseases
中文关键词: 颈部静脉  磁共振血管造影
英文关键词: Jugular vessel  MRA
Author NameAffiliation
LI Da- yong 哈尔滨医科大学附属二院磁共振室 
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      目的: 探讨三维动态增强磁共振血管成像( 3D DCE MRA) 对于颈部静脉系统疾病的临床应用价值。方法: 对7 例疑有 颈部静脉病变的病人进行了3D DCE MRA 检查, 观察对病变血管及正常血管显示情况。结果: 7 例检查图像都能清晰显示正常血 管结构及病变情况。其中2 例正常, 2 例颈静脉血栓, 1 例颈静脉癌栓, 1 例颈静脉扩张, 2 例动静脉瘘。所有病例均经手术及 ( 或) DSA 证实。结论: 3D DCE MRA 是一种简便, 易行, 有效的血管检查方法, 分辨率高, 假阳性率低, 在临床上已广泛应用, 但临 床上多限于动脉系统疾病的诊断。只要选择合适的序列、扫描时间及对比剂的剂量就能较好显示静脉血管情况。此项技术的应 用, 在颈部静脉病变诊断中有很大的实用价值。
      Objective: To evaluate the clinical application value of 3D DCEMRA in the diagnosis of jugular vein diseases. Methods: 7 patients with suspected jugular vein disease were given 3D DCEMRA test and the displays of normal and abnormal veins were observed. Results: The 7 patients. MRI all can clearly display the normal and abnormal blood vessels. There were 2 normal jugular veins, 2 jugular vein thrombus, 1 jugular vein cancer embolism, 1 jugular vein dilation, 2 arteriovenous fistulas. All the cases were confirmed by surgery and ( or ) DSA. Conclusion: 3D DCEMRA is a simple, applicable and efficient blood vessel testing means. It has high resolution and accuracy and has been widely used in the diagnosis of artery diseases. The jugular vein can be clearly displayed if the appropriate sequence, scan time and contrast agent dose are selected. So the application of this technique is valuable in the diagnosis of jugular vein diseases.
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