Article Summary
曲延峻􀀁 韩燕燕􀀁 耿红光􀀁 宫丽华.56 例卵巢上皮性交界性肿瘤的临床和病理分析[J].现代生物医学进展英文版,2006,6(1):39-40.
56 例卵巢上皮性交界性肿瘤的临床和病理分析
Clinical & Pathological Analysis of Epithelial & Borderline Tumor of the Ovary
中文关键词: 卵巢肿瘤/ 病理学  超声检查  肿瘤标记
英文关键词: Tumor of the ovary  Pathology  Ultrasonic inspection  Tumor marker
Author NameAffiliation
QU Yan - jun, HAN Yan- yan, GENG Hong- guang 哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院?? 
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      目的: 探讨卵巢交界性上皮肿瘤( OBT) 的临床及病理特征, 以供临床和病理借鉴。方法: 收集病理快速冰冻切片和石 蜡切片确诊的交界性上皮性卵巢肿瘤患者56 例, 术前均行超声检查及CA125 测定。结果: 56 例OBT 中以粘液性肿瘤最多, 为33 例, 占58. 9%, 浆液性肿瘤23 例占41. 1%。其中以?? 期多见, 手术包括保守性手术治疗交界性肿瘤, 预后良好。冰冻切片诊断卵 巢交界性上皮肿瘤的总体准确率为64. 2%。结论: 诊断OBT 需根据临床症状、肿瘤标记物及影像学综合判断, 术中冰冻切片检 查有一定帮助, 但最后诊断还是应主要依据病理切片。为提高快速冰冻切片诊断的准确率, 应做连续切片。
      Objective: To study the clinical and pathological characteristics of epithelial and borderline tumor of the ovary( EBTO) for ref?? erence in clinical application. Methods: 56 patients with EBTO by final diagnosis of pathological quick- frozen & paraffin sections were selected, who were all examined by ultrasound and the CA125 assay before operation. Results: Among the 56 EBTO patients, mucous tumor was 33( 58. 9%) and serous tumor was 23( 41. 1%) , most of which belonged to stage 1. All the patients with EBTO were treated by conservative operation and their prognoses were favorable. Compared with that of the paraffin sections, the diagnostic accurate rate( DAR) of quick- frozen ones was 64. 2%. Conclusion: EBTO should be diagnosed by clinical symptoms, tumor markers and iconography, and quick- frozen sections during operation is helpful to the diagnosis of the disease. But the final diagnosis should mainly rely on the pathological sections; therefore, to raise the DAR of EBTO, serial sections should be made.
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