范三丽,胡海燕,原慧云,金 翠,白静洁,董 芳,孙晋芳,孟小玲,康丽敏,李文婷.感染性腹泻患儿外周血TLR2、CD64、STREM-1水平 及鉴别诊断价值研究[J].,2024,(20):
感染性腹泻患儿外周血TLR2、CD64、STREM-1水平 及鉴别诊断价值研究
Peripheral Blood TLR2, CD64 and STREM-1 Levels in Children with Infectious Diarrhea and Their Value in Differential Diagnosis
范三丽 山西省儿童医院 消化科 山西 太原 030013 
胡海燕 山西省儿童医院 消化科 山西 太原 030013 
原慧云 山西省儿童医院 消化科 山西 太原 030013 
金 翠 山西省儿童医院 消化科 山西 太原 030013 
白静洁 山西省儿童医院 消化科 山西 太原 030013 
董 芳 山西省儿童医院 消化科 山西 太原 030013 
孙晋芳 山西省儿童医院 消化科 山西 太原 030013 
孟小玲 山西省儿童医院 消化科 山西 太原 030013 
康丽敏 山西省儿童医院 消化科 山西 太原 030013 
李文婷 山西省儿童医院 检验科 山西 太原 030013 
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      摘要 目的:探究感染性腹泻患儿外周血Toll样受体2(TLR2)、中性粒细胞白细胞分化抗原64(CD64)、可溶性髓系细胞触发受体-1(STREM-1)水平及其对感染性腹泻的鉴别诊断价值。方法:选取2020年4月-2023年7月医院收治的64例感染性腹泻患儿作为研究对象,根据病原体类型分别细菌性腹泻组(n=33)与病毒性腹泻组(n=31),另选取同期30名入组前1周无腹泻症状的健康儿童作为对照组,三组均进行外周血TLR2、CD64、STREM-1水平测定,绘制受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线,分析三种指标对于感染性腹泻患儿的诊断价值。结果:细菌性腹泻组、病毒性腹泻组TLR2水平高于对照组,细菌性腹泻组CD64、STREM-1水平高于病毒性腹泻组与对照组(P<0.05)。ROC曲线分析结果显示STREM-1的曲线下面积(AUC)值最高,为0.777,敏感度、特异度分别为62.50%、93.33%;联合后AUC为0.839,敏感度显著升高,为84.37%,特异度为83.33%。结论:外周血TLR2、CD64、STREM-1水平诊断感染性腹泻患儿时,以STREM-1的诊断效能最高,三者联合诊断后可显著提升诊断敏感度,具有良好的临床应用价值。
      ABSTRACT Objective: To investigate peripheral blood Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2), cluster of differentiation antigen 64 (CD64) and soluble triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cell-1 (STREM-1) in children with infectious diarrhea, and their value in differential diagnosis of infectious diarrhea. Methods: A total of 64 children with infectious diarrhea admitted to the hospital from April 2020 to July 2023 were selected, and divided into bacterial diarrhea group (n=33) and viral diarrhea group (n=31) according to the type of pathogen. Meanwhile, 30 healthy children were selected as the control group. Peripheral blood TLR2, CD64, and STREM-1 levels in all groups were measured. The diagnostic value of the three indicators in children with infectious diarrhea was analyzed using the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves. Results: TLR2 levels in the bacterial diarrhea group and the viral diarrhea group were higher than those in the control group. CD64 and STREM-1 levels in the bacterial diarrhea group were higher than those in the viral diarrhea group and the control group (P<0.05). ROC curve analysis results showed that the area under the curve (AUC) of STREM-1 was the largest, which was 0.777. Its sensitivity and specificity were 62.50% and 93.33%. The AUC of joint diagnosis was 0.839. The sensitivity and specificity were 84.37% and 83.33%. Conclusion:For diagnosing children with infectious diarrhea using peripheral blood TLR2, CD64, and STREM-1, the diagnostic efficacy of STREM-1 is the highest. Combination of the three can significantly improve the diagnostic sensitivity.
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