王夏珍 张薇△ 郭月宁 王虎 王俊平 李静 陈玉龙 石明霞.酒精性肺疾病的临床研究及进展[J].,2016,16(2):393-396
The Clinical Study and Development of the Alcoholic Pulmonary Disease
中文关键词: 肺脏  酒精  代谢  内皮细胞应激  氧化应激
英文关键词: Pulmonary /Lung  Alcohol  Metabolism  ER stress  Oxidative stress
王夏珍 张薇△ 郭月宁 王虎 王俊平 李静 陈玉龙 石明霞 哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院呼吸内科 
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      酒精对全身器官均有损害,随着研究的深入,酒精性肺疾病逐渐被人们重视。基于酒精的挥发性和肺脏的丰富血供,酒精可 以通过支气管循环从纤毛上皮进入到气道,汽化的酒精还可以沉积回气道随呼气再次被释放,这种重复循环使局部气道上皮细 胞持续暴露于高浓度酒精下。酒精在肺脏的代谢分为氧化和非氧化代谢两种途径,氧化代谢产物乙醛可引起氧化应激,并产生大 量的ROS 和自由离子。酒精可影响肾素-血管紧张素系统,提高血管紧张素II水平,并引起内皮细胞应激。酒精还可降低肺脏内 还原型谷胱甘肽含量,损害机体先天性和获得性免疫功能。本文将阑述酒精在肺脏的代谢途径及代谢产物对肺脏的损害,其引起 重要的应激反应对肺脏均造成损害,是发生肺炎、慢性阻塞性肺疾病、急性呼吸窘迫征等肺疾病的重要因素之一。作者通过酒精 对肺脏的作用机制,总结最新的治疗措施。
      Alcohol damages the whole body organs, with the deepening of the research, people have more attention on the alcoholic pulmonary disease. Based on alcohol volatile and rich blood supply of lung, alcohol can through the bronchial circulation from the ciliated epithelium into the airway, evaporation of alcohol can also deposit return airway with breath again is released, the recycle to sustain local airway epithelial cells exposed to the high levels of alcohol. Metabolism of alcohol in the lungs are divided into two ways: the oxidative metabolism and non-oxidative metabolism. The acetaldehyde oxidation metabolites can cause oxidative stress, which produce a large number of ROS and free ions. Alcohol also affect the renin-angiotensin system that improve the level of angiotensin II. Alcohol can cause endothelial stress, which is regulated by the oxidation of alcohol or non-oxidation of alcohol. The alcohol can reduce content of glutathione in the lungs, inhibits inner and acquired immune function. This article will discuss the metabolic pathways and metabolic product of alcohol in the lungs, the damage to the lungs, it which caused the stress reaction damage the lungs. Intaken alcohol is one of the most factors to occur pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ,acute respiratory distress and so on. The author also summary the latest therapy of the alcoholic pulmonary disease.
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