李福锁 禹智波 宋娜 张云泉 乔清 李锦青.肩袖间隙影像解剖及常见病变的研究进展[J].,2015,15(17):3379-3381
Progress in Imaging Anatomy and Common Lesions ofthe Rotator Cuff Interval
中文关键词: 肩袖间隙  影像解剖  冻结肩  磁共振成像
英文关键词: Rotator cuff interval  Imaging anatomy  Frozen shoulder  Magnetic resonance imaging
李福锁 禹智波 宋娜 张云泉 乔清 李锦青 解放军第324 医院医学影像科 
摘要点击次数: 683
全文下载次数: 869
      肩袖间隙在解剖学上是肩关节的一个复合区域,在维持肩关节稳定性和保护肱二头肌长头肌腱功能起重要作用。对肩袖间 隙解剖结构及功能的深入认识有助于肩袖间隙损伤性病变、挛缩性病变等的及时诊断和合理治疗。影像学检查尤其是磁共振逐 步成为肩袖间隙疾病最主要的检查方法,包括常规扫描、直接及间接性磁共振肩关节造影、增强扫描等。本文将就肩袖间隙的影 像解剖及常见病变的相关研究进行综述。
      The rotator cuff interval is a regional complex of shoulder joint in anatomy and physiology. The rotator cuff interval played an important role in maintaining the stability of the shoulder joint and the protection of biceps long head tendon functions. The sufficient understanding in anatomical structure and function of the rotator cuff interval was helpful for timely diagnosis and reasonable treatment of the injury lesions and contracture lesions in the rotator cuff interval. Imaging examination, especially magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) including nonenhanced magnetic resonance scan, directly magnetic resonance arthrography, indirectly magnetic resonance arthrography, and dynamic contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging gradually became the most main inspection method for the rotator cuff interval disease. This paper reviewed imaging anatomy and common lesions in the rotator cuff interval.
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