李楠 史永强 高璐 张刚 米伟阳 史航宇.人参皂甙Rd 预处理可减轻谷氨酸所致的PC12 细胞损伤[J].,2014,14(30):5806-5809
人参皂甙Rd 预处理可减轻谷氨酸所致的PC12 细胞损伤
Ginsenoside Rd Preconditioning Attenuates Glutamate-induced Injuryin PC12 Cells
中文关键词: 人参皂甙Rd  预处理  谷氨酸  氧化应激  PC12 细胞
英文关键词: Ginsenoside Rd  Preconditioning  Glutamate  Oxidative stress  PC12 cells
李楠 史永强 高璐 张刚 米伟阳 史航宇 西安市儿童医院神经外科 
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      目的:研究人参皂甙Rd(Ginsenoside Rd)预处理对谷氨酸所致PC12 细胞损伤的影响。方法:将体外培养的PC12 细胞分为3 组,分别为对照组(Control)、谷氨酸损伤组(Glu)和人参皂甙Rd 预处理组(Rd)。Control 组细胞正常培养;Glu组细胞暴露于含10 mM 谷氨酸的DMEM 培养基中损伤24 h;Rd 组细胞经50 uM 的人参皂甙Rd 预处理30 min 后,在谷氨酸浓度为10 mM 的 DMEM培养基中损伤24 h。采用MTT 检测细胞活力和乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)检测试剂盒检测LDH释放量;流式细胞仪检测胞内活 性氧(ROS)水平;Western blot 检测还原型谷胱甘肽蛋白(GSH)表达;专用试剂盒检测细胞内过氧化氢酶(CAT)和超氧化物歧化酶 (SOD)含量,相差显微镜观测细胞形态。结果:50 uM的人参皂甙Rd 预处理30 min,可明显提高谷氨酸诱导的PC12 细胞的活力, 降低其LDH 释放量、胞内ROS 含量,并提高胞内GSH 蛋白表达,增加CAT、SOD 含量并改善细胞形态。结论:人参皂甙Rd预处 理可减轻谷氨酸引起的PC12 细胞损伤。
      Objective:To investigate the protection of ginsenoside Rd on the glutamate-induced injury of PC12 cells.Methods:PC12 cells were assigned into three groups, including control group (Control), glutamate exposure group (Glu) and ginsenoside Rd preconditioning group (Rd). The cells of control were cultured in drug-free medium; the cells of Glu were exposed to 10 mMglutamate dissolved the DMEMmedium for 24 h; the cells of Rd group were pretreated with 50 uM ginsenoside Rd for 30 min, and then exposed to 10 mM glutamate for 24 h. MTT method was used to determine the cell viability; LDH release was assessed by a reagent kit; flow cytometry was taken to assess the intracellular reagent oxygen species (ROS) level; intracellular glutathione protein expression was determined by western blot; superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) reagent kits were used to determine the intracellular SOD and CAT levels; the phase contrast microscope was taken to investigate the morphology of PC12 cells.Results:Ginsenoside Rd increased the cell viability markedly, decreased LDH release, reduced the intracellular ROS level, increased intracellular GSH expression, SOD and CAT levels. In addition, the ginsenoside Rd ameliorated the morphology of PC12 cells exposed to glutamate.Conclusion:Ginsenoside Rd pretreatment ameliorates glutamate-induced injury of PC12 cells.
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