邵庆亮 赵霞霞 姜伟 吕莹 王志慧 姚笠.非药物治疗极低出生体重儿喂养不耐受的临床观察[J].,2014,14(28):5525-5528
Clinical Observation of Non Drug Treatment in VLBWIwith Feeding Intolerance
中文关键词: 极低出生体重儿  喂养不耐受  腹部按摩  非营养性吸吮
英文关键词: Very low birth weight infants  Feeding intolerance  Abdominal massage  Non nutritive sucking
邵庆亮 赵霞霞 姜伟 吕莹 王志慧 姚笠 哈尔滨医科大学附属第二医院 
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      目的:将非药物性干预措施与传统药物方法治疗极低出生体重儿喂养不耐受的临床疗效进行观察比较。方法:选取哈尔滨 医科大学附属第二医院2011 年1 月至2013 年4 月出生的喂养不耐受极低出生体重儿110 例。按入院顺序随机分为药物治疗组 (MED)55 例、非药物治疗组(NON-MED)55 例。药物治疗组采用红霉素;非药物治疗组采用腹部按摩法与非营养性吸吮。结果:两 组患儿经治疗后,MED组腹胀消失天数(4.4± 0.5)、呕吐天数(2.2± 0.5)、每日呕吐次数(3.5± 0.8)、胃潴留量占每日喂养量(18.3± 0.8)、达全肠道喂养天数(8.2± 0.7);NON-MED 组腹胀消失天数(3.7± 0.1)、呕吐天数(1.9± 0.6)、每日呕吐次数(2.8± 0.1)、胃潴留 量占每日喂养量(12.6± 0.4)、达全肠道喂养天数(6.1± 0.3)。各项治疗指标的对比中,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。MED 组治疗 有效率76.4%;NON-MED组治疗有效率83.6%。结论:非药物性干预措施可有效改善极低出生体重儿喂养不耐受。
      Objective:The clinical efficacy of very low birth weight infants with feeding intolerance was observed and compared which respectively adopted non drug treatment and traditional drug method.Methods:110 infants with very low birth weight and with feeding intolerance were selected fromthose who were born in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University fromJanuary 2011 to April 2013 April. They were randomly divided into treatment group (MED) of 55 cases and non drug treatment group (NON-MED) of 55cases. MED group adopted erythromycin and the NON-MED group adopted abdominal massage and non nutritive sucking.Results:The children in two groups were carefully treated. In MED group, bloating disappeared days(4.4± 0.5), vomiting days (2.2± 0.5), daily frequency of vomiting(3.5± 0.8), gastric retention accounts for daily feedings(18.3± 0.8), full enteral feeding days (8.2± 0.7),while in NON-MED group, bloating disappeared days(3.7± 0.1), vomiting days(1.9± 0.6), daily frequency of vomiting (2.8± 0.1), gastric retention accounts for daily feedings(12.6± 0.4), full enteral feeding days(6.1± 0.3). There was significant difference (P<0.05) in every therapeutic index. The treatment efficiency of MED group is 76.4%, while the treatment efficiency of NON-MED group is 83.6%.Conclusion:Non drug treatment can effectively improve the feeding intolerance of infants with very low birth weight.
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