廖庆林1 刘季东李鸾陈瑞王禹△.血管内超声在冠脉复杂病变介入诊疗中的临床价值[J].,2012,12(5):904-906
The Clinical Value of Intravascular Ultrasound in Diagnosis and Therapyin Complex Coronary Artery Pathological Change
中文关键词: 血管内超声  冠状动脉造影  冠脉复杂病变
英文关键词: Intravascular ultrasound  Complex coronary artery pathological change  Coronary angiography  Percutaneous coronary interventional therapy(PCI)
廖庆林1 刘季东李鸾陈瑞王禹△ 解放军总医院老年心血管内科 
摘要点击次数: 970
全文下载次数: 1216
      目的:研究血管内超声在冠脉复杂病变介入诊疗中的临床价值。方法:30 例确诊为冠心病的患者,其中男性23 例,女性7 例,先采用冠脉造影(CAG), 选择美国心脏病学会和美国心脏病协会(ACC/AHA)推荐的冠脉分型C 型中弥漫性病变(>20mm)、 近端血管过度扭曲病变,然后行IVUS 检查,PCI 术后再行IVUS 检查,比较两者及PCI 前后IVUS 结果的差异。结果:CAG 示支 架贴壁良好,再行IVUS 检查示支架贴壁不良率达78.4 %,IVUS 观察均达到支架置入理想标准。结论:IVUS 在评价支架贴壁情 况、选择高压球囊后扩张时,有着更明显的优势。
      Objective: To assess the clinical application value of intravascular ultrasound in the complex coronary artery pathological change. Methods: A total of 30 CHD patients were recruited, complex coronary artery pathological change included in type 3 recommended by ACC/AHA were examined by CAG and IVUS. Minimal lumen area diameter and plaque burden at minimum area were detected and analyzed. Result: The results of before PCI and after PCI derived from IVUS were compared. IVUS could find stent underexpension. Conclusion: IVUS could guide the interventional therapy for complex coronary artery pathological change more efficiently. Post-dilation with high pressure guided by IVUS can reduce the early rate of stent underexpension and attain a larger final stent CSA.
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