聂晓晶1,2 余自华1,2△ 王承峰1,2.基于PBL 构建的儿科学实习教学[J].,2012,12(3):556-557
基于PBL 构建的儿科学实习教学
Application of PBL Teaching Approach in Clinical InternshipTeaching of Peadiatircs
中文关键词: PBL 教学法  儿科学
英文关键词: PBL teaching approach  Peadiatircs
聂晓晶1,2 余自华1,2△ 王承峰1,2 南京军区福州总医院儿科 
摘要点击次数: 756
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      PBL 教学以问题为核心,以启发的方式和讨论的方式进行教学,该教学方法可以充分调动学生学习的主动性,比传统的教 学方法更能有效完成儿科学实习教学,且有利于早期培养医学生良好的临床问题处理能力。本文论述如何将PBL 教学模式引入 儿科学实习教学,以及PBL 教学法在儿科学实习教学中需注意的问题:问题设计合理、根据病人的不同调整教学方法、根据实习 同学的不同调整教学内容和带教老师正确掌握角色任务。
      The key of problem-based learning (PBL) is question.PBL teaching pay more attention on evocation and discussion. Through this teaching method,students will fully arouse their learning interest and activeness.Compared with traditional teaching methods,PBL teaching approach will more effective in clinical internship teaching of peadiatircs.To improve the quality of clinical internship teaching,we have introduced PBL teaching approach in clinical internship teaching of peadiatircs.This paper discuss the basic process of the teaching mode.When applying PBL teaching mode in clinical internship teaching of peadiatircs,we should pay attention on those key poins that designing question reasonablly,teaching methods based on patients,teaching content based on students and handling the teacher role properly.
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