张全鹏1,2 王慧1 陈旦1 周利红1 黄菊芳1.水合氯醛、乌拉坦及其1:1 混合液在SD 大鼠麻醉中的效果比较及应用[J].,2011,11(7):1208-1212
水合氯醛、乌拉坦及其1:1 混合液在SD 大鼠麻醉中的效果比较及应用
Comparison of Anesthetic Effect and Application of Chloral Hydrate andUrethane and Their Equal Mixture on SD Rats
中文关键词: 大鼠  水合氯醛  乌拉坦  联合麻醉
英文关键词: Rat  Chloral hydrate  Urethane  Anesthesia
张全鹏1,2 王慧1 陈旦1 周利红1 黄菊芳1 中南大学基础医学院人体解剖学和神经生物学系 
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      目的:比较水合氯醛、乌拉坦及其1:1 混合液在SD 大鼠麻醉中的效果并进一步在大鼠模型制备的麻醉中检验其效果。方 法:分别采用不同剂量的水合氯醛和乌拉坦及其1:1 混合液进行麻醉实验,比较其麻醉起效时间、维持时间和死亡率,并将相同 剂量的1:1 混合液应用于SD 大鼠模型制作时的麻醉中,比较其与非模型组之间的差异。结果:水合氯醛和乌拉坦混合液麻醉大 鼠的起效时间2.5±1.5 分钟,与单用水合氯醛无差异(P>0.05),比单用乌拉坦起效时间短(P<0.05);维持时间107.4±4.1 分钟,比 单用水合氯醛、乌拉坦长(P<0.01);麻醉死亡率比单用水合氯醛低,总死亡率比单用水合氯醛、乌拉坦低。模型组大鼠的麻醉起效 时间2.9±1.6 分钟,维持时间108.9±4.4 分钟,零麻醉死亡率,总死亡率为2.5%;与1:1 混合液非模型组的麻醉效果没有明显差 异。结论:水合氯醛+ 乌拉坦1:1 混合液麻醉效果好、起效快、死亡率极低,适合用于2 小时左右的SD 大鼠手术或模型制作。
      Objective: To compare the anesthetic effectiveness of Chloral hydrate, urethane and their 1:1 mixture on SD rats and test 1:1 mixture on the SD rat model making. Methods: Administration of different concentrations and doses of chloral hydrate, urethane and their 1:1 mixture anesthetized experiments to compare the anesthetic onset timespan, duration and mortality. Further the same doses of 1:1 mixture was used on the SD rat model making, to find the difference between the model rats and non-model rats. Results: Mixture of chloral hydrate and urethane anesthetized rats with the onset time of 2.5 ± 1.5 minutes, with no difference with the single water together chloral (P> 0.05), but faster onset time than single urethane (P <0.05); its duration 108.9 ± 4.4 minutes, longer than that of single water together chloral and urethane (P <0.01); its anesthesia mortality rates is lower than that of the single combined chloral of water, and its total mortality rate is also lower than that of the single use of water combined with chloral, or single use of urethane. In model group, anesthesia onset time 2.9 ± 1.6 minutes, duration 108.9 ± 4.4 minutes, zero anesthesia mortality, total mortality was 2.5%; there were no difference between the model group and the 1:1 mixture non-model group. Conclusions: 1:1 mixture of chloral hydrate and urethane shows outstanding anesthetic effect in the initiation with negligible mortality. It's applicable to the animal surgery or model progress with the duration about 2 hours.
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