陶诚1 鲍国春2△ 高飞3 丁慧1 牛永祝1.社区卫生服务机构实施基本药物制度效果及建议[J].,2011,11(13):2551-2554
Effect and Suggestion of Essential Medicines System Application onCommunity Health Service Institution
中文关键词: 社区卫生服务  基本药物  医药费用
英文关键词: Community health service  Essential medicine  Health expenditure
陶诚1 鲍国春2△ 高飞3 丁慧1 牛永祝1 青岛大学医学院 
摘要点击次数: 933
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      目的:对社区卫生服务机构实施基本药物制度的效果进行分析,并提出建议,促进基本药物制度顺利实施。方法:选取山东 省20 所实施基本药物制度的社区卫生服务机构为研究对象。通过查阅文献确定本次调查的指标,即基本药物配备量、门诊工作 量、门诊收入、人均医疗费用等。制定调查问卷,由调查的社区卫生服务机构方面进行填写,通过对比分析对社区卫生服务机构实 施效果进行评价。结果:基本药物配备量只占基本药物目录的58.9 %;门诊量和处方张数增加25 %以上,但人员编制只增加5.2 %;门诊费用下降24.4 %,药品费用下降39.6 %,人均诊疗费用下降42.9 %;财政补偿增长52.6 %。结论:基本药物制度初见成效, 能够降低患者门诊费用,使基本医疗下沉到社区,有效引导患者进入社区卫生服务机构就诊。但基本药物配备量不足,社区卫生 机构人员编制缺乏等问题突出,配套政策仍需进一步完善,并且加大推行力度。
      Objective: To analysis the effect of the application of essential medicines system in community health service institution and offer some suggestions. Methods: Investigate 20 community health service institutions which implemented the essential medicines system and analyze the quantity of essential medicines, workload, outpatient service income and per capita medical expenses by comparative analysis. Results: The number of essential medicines account for 58.9 % of national essential drug list. The outpatient and prescription increased more than 25 %, but the manning quotas only increased 5.2 %. The drug expenses of patients were reduced 39.6 %, and per capita medical expense was reduced 42.9 %. Conclusion: The preliminary effect of essential medicines system is positive, but it should be improved that the related measures and application.
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