Application of Mammography, DCE-MRI Combined With CDUS in the Differential Diagnosis of Good and Malignant Lesions of Dense Breast
投稿时间:2024-11-30  修订日期:2024-11-30
中文关键词: 乳腺X线摄影  动态对比增强核磁共振成像  彩色多普勒超声  致密型乳腺  良恶性病变  诊断效能
英文关键词: Mammography  Dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging  Color Doppler ultrasound  Dense breast  Good and malignant lesions  Diagnostic efficiency
王俊平* 盘锦辽油宝石花医院 124000
摘要点击次数: 30
全文下载次数: 0
      Objective: To explore the application effect of mammography, dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) combined with color Doppler ultrasound (CDUS) in the differential diagnosis of good and malignant lesions of dense breast. Methods: 86 suspected breast lesions dense breast patients who were admitted in our hospital from May 2022 to June 2024 were selected. All patients underwent mammography, DCE-MRI and CDUS examination. Pathological examination result were used as the gold standard, the results of mammography, DCE-MRI and CDUS were compared. The diagnostic efficacy of mammography, DCE-MRI and CDUS for good and malignant lesions of dense breast were analyzed by receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. Results: The pathological examination results of 86 dense breast patients showed that according to the classification of good and malignant lesions, there were 39 cases of breast cancer (45.35%), and 47 cases of good lesions (54.65%). According to the classification of breast fibroglandular tissue, there were 31 cases of inhomogeneous dense glandular type, including 11 cases of breast cancer (35.48%), and 20 cases of good lesions (64.52%). There were 55 cases of extremely dense glandular type, including 28 cases of breast cancer (50.91%), and 27 cases of good lesions (49.09%). Among 86 dense breast patients, 30 cases (34.88%) were diagnosed as malignant lesions by mammography combined with pathological examination result, good lesions 44 cases (51.16%). 35 cases (40.70%) were diagnosed as malignant lesions by DCE-MRI combined with pathological examination result, good lesions 45 cases (52.33%). 33 cases (38.37%) were diagnosed as malignant lesions by CDUS combined with pathological examination result, good lesions 46 cases (53.49%). The area under the curve (AUC) of mammography, DCE-MRI and CDUS alone in the diagnosis of good and malignant lesions of dense breast was 0.746, 0.782 and 0.759, respectively, and the AUC of combined diagnosis of good and malignant lesions of dense breast was 0.968. The combined prediction efficiency is higher (P<0.05). Conclusion: Mammography, DCE-MRI combined with CDUS have high differential diagnostic efficiency for good and malignant lesions of dense breast,which is worthy of promotion and application.
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