朱欣迪,朱茂华,高宇豪,陆 琴,方 超.基于巨噬细胞的诊疗一体化系统[J].,2020,(14):2618-2622
Macrophage-Based Theranostic System
投稿时间:2019-12-24  修订日期:2020-01-21
中文关键词: 诊疗一体化  活细胞递送  荧光成像  光热治疗
英文关键词: Theranostics  Macrophage delivery system  Fluorescence imaging  Photothermal therapy
朱欣迪 上海交通大学医学院药理学与化学生物学系 上海 200025 Cindyzh1000@163.com 
朱茂华 上海交通大学医学院药理学与化学生物学系 上海 200025  
高宇豪 上海交通大学医学院药理学与化学生物学系 上海 200025  
陆 琴 上海交通大学医学院药理学与化学生物学系 上海 200025  
方 超 上海交通大学医学院药理学与化学生物学系 上海 200025  
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      摘要 目的:建立一种可以同时实现显像诊断与主动靶向到肿瘤部位进行治疗的纳米药物模型。方法:包载了1,1'-二十八烷基-3,3,3',3'-四甲基吲哚三碳花青碘(1,1'-dioctadecyl-3,3,3',3'-tetramethylindotricarbocyanine iodide, DiR)荧光染料的聚乳酸-羟基乙酸共聚物(Polylactic-co-glycolic acid, PLGA)纳米粒表面被金属离子与酚羟基络合形成的网状结构涂布后可稳定连接在巨噬细胞表面,DiR可以在近红外激光下实现荧光成像,并经波长为808 nm的近红外激光器以2 W/cm2功率照射,产生光热作用。结果:构建了粒径在100 nm左右的包载了DiR的PLGA纳米粒,表面涂布金属多酚网状结构后,纳米粒连接到巨噬细胞表面,DiR发挥既可荧光成像,经808 nm激光照射后又可高效升温至46 ℃以上,使用CCK8试剂检测证明此种连接了纳米粒的功能化细胞(Functional Cell)发挥光热作用后可杀死近70% 的小鼠乳腺癌细胞4T1。结论:成功建立了一种基于巨噬细胞递送的诊疗一体化系统,将荧光成像与光热治疗有机结合到一起,达到有效杀伤肿瘤细胞的功效。
      ABSTRACT Objective: To establish a nano drug model that can realize imaging diagnosis and active targeting to tumor site for treatment at the same time. Methods: Coating the PLGA (polylactic acid glycolic acid copolymer) nanoparticles loaded with DiR fluorescent dye with metal polyphenols in surface. Then made the nanoparticles connected to the surface of macrophages. Fluorescence imaging was performed under confocal microscope because of DiR, and the photothermal effect was achieved by near-infrared laser with wavelength of 808 nm in 2 W/cm2. Results: PLGA nanoparticles with the size about 100 nm loaded with DiR were connected to the surface of macrophages by metal polyphenol complex. Under the action of DiR, fluorescence imaging was realized, and the temperature rose up to over 46 ℃, CCK8 test showed that the functionalized cells connected with nanoparticles could kill nearly 70% of mouse breast cancer cells 4T1 after photothermal effect. Conclusion: A diagnosis and treatment integrated model based on living cell delivery has been successfully established, which combines fluorescence imaging with photothermal therapy to effectively kill tumor cells.
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