曹 慧,刘 静,郭文文,莫海燕,张俊忠.肱骨有限元模型建立及生物力学分析[J].,2018,(1):150-154
Humerus Finite Element Model Establishment and Biomechanics Analysis
投稿时间:2017-04-23  修订日期:2017-05-18
中文关键词: 中医正骨  三维重建  有限元分析
英文关键词: Orthopaedics and traumatology  Three-dimensional reconstruction  Finite element analysis
曹 慧 山东中医药大学理工学院 山东 济南 250355 caohui63@163.com 
刘 静 山东中医药大学理工学院 山东 济南 250355  
郭文文 山东中医药大学理工学院 山东 济南 250355  
莫海燕 山东中医药大学理工学院 山东 济南 250355  
张俊忠 山东中医药大学第一附属医院 山东 济南 250014  
摘要点击次数: 596
全文下载次数: 429
      摘要 目的:以成人肱骨为例,将医学图像三维重建技术和有限元方法结合应用于正骨手法研究,建立正常肱骨有限元模型,验证模型的有效性并进行生物力学分析。方法:选择一位青年男性志愿者,对其上肢自尺桡骨上端至肱骨头进行连续断层扫描,得到CT图像,将CT数据导入MIMICS软件中,通过图像分割、三维重建和材料属性赋值,构建正常肱骨有限元模型,利用ANSYS软件进行力学分析,与文献中肱骨的生物力学数据相比较,以此验证模型的有效性。结果:建立了正常肱骨三维几何模型和有限元模型。利用ANSYS软件,对模型进行了有效性验证。所建模型物理特性与真实骨骼相近,能很好地反映骨骼的力学变化,实现手法的定量分析。结论:所建立的肱骨模型外形逼真、在不同载荷下的应力值与相关文献一致,可用作中医仿真系统中的虚拟骨折模型。
      ABSTRACT Objective: Adult humerus, for example, the medical image 3 d reconstruction technology is combined with the finite element method is applied in bonesetting skill study, establishing normal humerus finite element model, validate the validity of the model and biomechanics analysis. Methods: Choose a young male volunteer, the upper arm since the foot radius to the humerus head CT scan in a row, CT image, the CT data import MIMICS software, the grid was divided by image segmentation, 3 d reconstruction, and the material attribute assignment, build normal humerus finite element model, using ANSYS software is analyzed with mechanics, and compared with the biomechanics of the humerus in the literature data, in order to verify the validity of the model. Results: Established the normal humerus three-dimensional geometry model and finite element model. By using ANSYS software, the model validation. Subject the model physical properties similar to real bone, can well reflect the bone mechanical change, and realize the methods of quantitative analysis. Conclusion: The established model of humerus lifelike shape, stress under different load values are consistent with the literature, can be used as a virtual fracture model in simulation system of traditional Chinese medicine.
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