崔承虎 韩明子 金世柱 王新红 李瑞妮.肝硬化动物模型造模方法的研究进展[J].,2015,15(12):2393-2396
Reviews on Establishment of Exparimental Animal Models with HepaticCirrhosis
中文关键词: 肝硬化  动物模型  造模方法
英文关键词: Hepatic cirrhosis  Animal model  Establishment
崔承虎 韩明子 金世柱 王新红 李瑞妮 哈尔滨医科大学第二附属医院消化内科 
摘要点击次数: 685
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      肝硬化(hepatic cirrhosis,HC)是各种慢性肝病发展的晚期阶段,发病初期表现为轻度乏力、腹胀等症状,后期以肝功能损害 和门脉高压为主,随病情进一步发展可出现消化道出血、肝性脑病等严重并发症,死亡率极高。然而,目前研究尚未完全明确肝硬 化的发病机制。因此,建立肝硬化动物模型,并通过动物实验研究肝硬化的发病机制,探索肝硬化的防治手段是我们需要重视的 问题。由于动物与人类种属之间存在巨大差异,若要完全模拟肝硬化的病理特点制备实验动物模型是非常困难的。为深入了解肝 硬化的发病机制和特点,本文将对肝硬化动物模型的制备方法进行综述。
      Hepatic cirrhosis (HC) is the late state of various chronic liver desease. In the early stage, there may be mild symptoms such as fatigue and abdominal distension. While in the late stage it will lead to liver function damage and portal hypertension. If progressed, it may cause severe complications, which have high motality, such as gastrointestinal hemorrhage, and hepatic encephalopathy. However, the pathogenesis of HC is not entirely cleare. Establishing animal model for HC is the basis of studying pathogenesis and treatment. Due to the complication of the cause and pathogenesis of HC, and the existence of species differences between animal and humanity, it is difficult to entirely mimic the pathological characteristics of HC. Thus, to establish animal model that conforms to the pathological characteristics of HC is a world's difficult problem. Here is to make a review on the study of animal model of hepatic cirrhosis.
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