关艳霞 金雁 朱学文 刘畅 谢然.术前参观对冠状动脉介入治疗患者焦虑的影响[J].,2015,15(5):929-932
Effect of Procedure Observing on Anxiety of Patients UndergoingPercutaneous Coronary Intervention
中文关键词: 术前参观  心脏介入  焦虑
英文关键词: Procedure Observing  Percutaneous Coronary Intervention  Anxiety
基金项目:黑龙江省青年科学基金项目( QC2012C106);黑龙江省教育厅项目( 1251 1228)
关艳霞 金雁 朱学文 刘畅 谢然 哈尔滨医科大学附属第四医院 
摘要点击次数: 610
全文下载次数: 1094
      目的: 探讨术前参观对择期进行心脏介入术患者心理焦虑的影响。 方法: 将 400 例择期行心脏介入手术的患者分为 参观组 和对照组,对照组术前采用 常规护理干预,参观组患者在此基础上进行术前参观,熟悉环境, 了 解手术过程。调查比较两组患者术 前 2 日 及术前 1 小时的焦虑值。 结果: 参观组与对照组术前 2 日焦虑值无明显差异, 术前 1 小时参观组焦虑值明显低于对照组, 差异具有统计学意义( P<0.05)。 结论: 通过术前参观能够减轻患者的焦虑程度。
      Objective:To evaluate the effect of procedure observing on anxiety of patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention.Methods:400 patients scheduled elective percutaneous coronary intervention were divided into trial group and control group. In trial group, procedure observing for patients was performed in catheter laboratory in order to view procedure, to know about the operative environment and to understand the essential tips of operation. In control group, the patients only received the conventional nursing methods. Then the anxiety scores were calculated and compared between the two groups.Results:There was no significant difference between the two groups two days before the procedure (P>0.05); the anxiety score of patients at 1 hour before the index procedure in trial group was significantly lower than that in control group.Conclusion:Procedure observing performed before the index procedure can alleviate anxiety.
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