姜天俊 郭晓东 范荣 李文刚 许文 邱波 霍丹丹 李丰衣 聂为民 陈巍巍 赵敏.人腺病毒55 型感染肺部病变与外周血淋巴细胞关系研究[J].,2014,14(31):6073-6075
人腺病毒55 型感染肺部病变与外周血淋巴细胞关系研究
The Relationship of Lung Lesions and Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes inPatients Infected with Human Adenovirus Type 55
中文关键词: 腺病毒感染  肺炎  淋巴细胞  腺病毒55 型
英文关键词: Adenovirus  Pneumonia  Lymphocytes  Adenovirus type 55
基金项目:军队系统十二五重点课题“重要传染病防控关键技术与装备研究- 军队重要呼吸道及虫媒传染病临床特征、重症预警及优化治 疗研究”(BWS11J048)
姜天俊 郭晓东 范荣 李文刚 许文 邱波 霍丹丹 李丰衣 聂为民 陈巍巍 赵敏 解放军第302 医院感染病诊疗与研究中心解放军第302 医院病理诊断与研究中心 
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      目的:探讨人腺病毒55 型感染肺部病变与外周血淋巴细胞改变的关系及致病意义。方法:以50 例经胸部CT 证实为腺病 毒肺炎的患者为研究对象(肺炎组),调查其外周血细胞及T淋巴细胞亚群变化情况,并与同期腺病毒55 型感染未出现肺部病变 的患者30 例(非肺炎组)对照;亚组分析50 例肺炎组中多肺叶病变与单肺叶病变患者之间T淋巴细胞变化的差异。结果:与非肺 炎组患者相比,肺炎组患者急性期外周血淋巴细胞比例明显降低、单核细胞比例明显升高(P<0.01);肺炎组CD3+T 淋巴细胞比 例、CD3+CD4+T 淋巴细胞比例及CD4/CD8 比值较非肺炎组均有明显降低(P<0.01)。亚组分析显示,肺炎组患者肺部病变范围不 同,T 淋巴细胞亚群的变化亦有差异,多肺叶病变组患者CD3+CD8+T淋巴细胞比例较单肺叶病变组明显升高、CD4/CD8 比值较 单肺叶病变组明显降低(P<0.05)。结论:HAdv-55 感染引起肺炎病变时,宿主存在明显的细胞免疫功能受损,且与肺部病变程度 有一定正相关。
      Objective:To explore the relationship between and pathogenic significance of lung lesions and peripheral blood lymphocytes in patients infected with human adenovirus type 55 (HAdv-55).Methods:The changes of peripheral blood cells and T lymphocyte subsets were investigated in 50 patients with adenovirus pneumonia confirmed by chest CT scan (Group pneumonia), compared with 30 patients without lung lesions in the same period of adenovirus type 55 infection (Group non-pneumonia). The differences between the changes of T lymphocytes in pneumonia cases of multiple lung lesions and single lobe lesions were analyzed.Results:Compared with that of non-pneumonia patients, the decreased peripheral blood lymphocyte proportion and increased monocyte proportion were found in acute period patients with pneumonia infected with HAdv-55 (P<0.01). The CD3+T lymphocyte proportion, CD3+CD4+T lymphocyte proportion and CD4/CD8 ratio in patients with pneumonia were significantly lower than that in non-pneumonia cases (P<0.01). Subgroup analysis showed that, the changes of T lymphocyte subsets were different between cases with multiple pulmonary lobes lesions and that with single lobe lesions. The CD3+CD8+T lymphocytes proportions in patients with multiple lobes lesions were significantly higher and CD4/CD8 ratio lower than that of patients with single lobe lesions respectively (P<0.05).Conclusion:Our data shows that the host cell immune function has been impaired, which is positively related to the degree of pulmonary lesions in patients infected with HAdv-55.
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