张博 姜文锡 许杰 王杰远 冯磊 郭金辉.维、汉民族H型高血压血清同型半胱氨酸浓度的调查研究[J].,2014,14(25):4914-4916
The Uigur and Han NationalityH Type Hypertension for SerumHomocysteine Concentration of Research
中文关键词: 维吾尔族  汉族  H 型高血压  血清Hcy浓度
英文关键词: Uigur  Han nationality  H type hypertension  Serumhomocysteine concentration
张博 姜文锡 许杰 王杰远 冯磊 郭金辉 新疆医科大学第五附属医院哈尔滨医科大学第一附属医院 新疆医科大学第一附属医院 
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      目的:探讨维、汉民族H 型高血压血清Hcy浓度差异。方法:用横断面调查的方法收集2011 年6 月-2012 年12 月新疆医科 大学第五附属医院住院587 例H 型高血压患者进行调查,资料收集包括民族、高血压分级、血清Hcy。共收集汉族305 例(男:203 例;女102 例), 其中高血压Ⅰ级、Ⅱ级、Ⅲ级分别为176 例、85 例、44 例;收集维族282 例(男:187 例;女:95 例),其中高血压Ⅰ级、Ⅱ 级、Ⅲ级分别为157 例、71 例、54 例;以高效液相色谱法测定血清Hcy 水平,分别以维、汉民族间性别及高血压分级进行统计学分 析。结果:维族男性血清Hcy水平(16.30± 9.97 umol/L)明显高于汉族男性(13.12± 7.43 umol/L)(P<0.05),维族女性血清Hcy水平 (14.91± 9.62 umol/L)明显高于汉族女性(11.12± 8.43 umol/L)(P<0.05);维族高血压Ⅰ级血清Hcy水平(11.40± 5.97 umol/L)与汉族 高血压Ⅰ级血清Hcy水平(11.36± 4.27 umol/L)相当(P>0.05),维族高血压Ⅱ、Ⅲ级血清Hcy水平(16.55± 6.69、28.87± 9.12 umol/L) 均高于汉族高血压Ⅱ、Ⅲ级血清Hcy水平(14.45± 5.61、22.36± 10.15 umol/L)(P<0.05)。结论:维、汉民族H 型高血压血清Hcy浓度 可能有一定差异,且维族高于汉族。
      Objective:In order to investigate difference between Hcy concentration in serum of type H hypertension patients of Uigur nationality and Han nationality.Methods:Data of 587 cases of H type hypertension inpatients in the fifth affiliated hospital of Subkiang medical university were collected from June 2011 to December 2012. Scope of data collection including nation, level of hypertension, serum Hcy. 305 cases of hypertension inpatients of Han nationality were collected, of which 176 cases were I level, 85 cases were II level, 44 cases were III level. 282 cases of hypertension inpatients of Uigur nationality were collected, of which157 cases were I level, 71 cases were II level, 54 cases were III level. Hcy level in serum were detected by HPLC, statistical analyses were performed respectively according to sexuality between Uigur and Han nationality, hypertension level.Results:Serum Hcy concentration of Uigur males (16.30 ± 9.97 umol/L) was significantly higher than that of Han males(13.12± 7.43 umol/L)(P<0.05). Serum Hcy concentration of Uigur females(14.91± 9.62 umol/L) was significantly higher than that of Han females (11.12± 8.43 umol/L)(P<0.05). Serum Hcy concentration of I level hypertension patients of Uigur nationality (11.40 ± 5.97 umol/L) was equivalent to that of Han nationality((11.36± 4.27 umol/L), serum Hcy concentration of II and III level hypertension patients of Uigur nationality (16.55± 6.69, 28.87± 9.12 umol/L) was significantly higher than that of Han nationality (14.45± 5.61, 22.36± 10.15 umol/L)(P<0.05).Conclusion:there is some difference between serum Hcy concentration of type H hypertension patients of Uigur nationality and that of Han nationality,and serumHcy concentration of Uigur nationality is higher than that of Han nationality.
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