车莉萍1 程超2 孙高峰2 崔斌2 左长京2△.功能与分子影像在头颈部肿瘤放射治疗计划和疗效 评价中的应用*[J].,2014,14(20):3994-3996
功能与分子影像在头颈部肿瘤放射治疗计划和疗效 评价中的应用*
Function and Molecular Imaging Technique Evaluated RadiotherapyPlanning of Head and Neck Cancer Planning and Treatment Efficacy*
中文关键词: 分子影像  头颈部肿瘤  放射治疗
英文关键词: Molecular imaging  Head and neck neoplasms  Radiotherapy
车莉萍1 程超2 孙高峰2 崔斌2 左长京2△ 1 上海交通大学医学院附属新华医院肿瘤科上海2000922 第二军医大学附属上海长海医院核医学科上海200433 
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      摘要:目前临床普遍采用功能与分子影像检测手段能来评价头颈部肿瘤的放射治疗计划和疗效,可指导个体化治疗从而提高疗 效。文章概述了功能与分子影像技术CT, MRI, PET-CT,超声检测技术在头颈部肿瘤放射治疗计划制定和疗效评价中的应用进 展。结果显示,不同分子影像检测方法如在检查时机的选择、诊断和鉴别诊断的价值、观察放射治疗后肿瘤的残存和复发、预测放 射治疗效果、指导后续治疗等方面均可起到重要作用。采用图像融合技术进行联合应用,如PET-CT 和MRI-CT 等,可提高检测的 准确率。临床医生需在常规影像学手段的基础上,根据头颈部肿瘤患者病情和治疗方法的不同选用正确的功能和分子影像检测 手段,更好地指导制定放射治疗计划及综合评价放射治疗后的疗效。
      ABSTRACT:Functional and molecular imaging detection method were used to evaluate efficacy of head and neck cancer after radiotherapy in clinic for individualized treatment guidelines and curative effect improvemrnts. This paper summarizes application progresses that the function and molecular imaging technique (CT, MRI, PET-CT, ultrasonic detection technology) evaluated radiotherapy planning of head and neck cancer planning and treatment efficacy. The results show that different functional and molecular imaging detection method plays an important role in the selection of detecting time, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, observation of residual tumor and recurrence after radiotherapy, prediction and subsequent therapy guidance of radiotherapy efficacy. Using image fusion technology, such as PET-CT and MRI-CT, can improve the accuracy of therapy efficacy detection. Clinicians should select correct functional and molecular imaging detection method on the base of conventional image technique according to different head and neck cancer patients, so that they can better guide the development of radiation treatment planning and curative effect evaluation after radiotherapy.
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