杨英杰李红燕云慧刘新星△.MATLAB 7.X生物信息工具箱的应用———基因表达图谱分析(4)*[J].,2012,12(20):3938-3942
MATLAB 7.X生物信息工具箱的应用———基因表达图谱分析(4)*
The Application of MATLAB Bioinformatics Toolbox———Analyzing Gene Expression Profiles (4)*
中文关键词: 基因芯片  生物信息工具箱  聚类分析  主成分分析
英文关键词: Gene chip  Cluster analysis  Principal component analysis  Bioinformatics Toolbox
杨英杰李红燕云慧刘新星△ 中南大学生物冶金教育部重点实验室 
摘要点击次数: 897
全文下载次数: 1238
      基因表达图谱原则上可了解整体细胞基因表达的信息,是基因组功能分析的重要研究手段。MATLAB 7.X 生物信息工具箱 为基因表达谱数据的分析和处理提供了一个综合环境,通过众多统计函数和绘图函数的结合使用,过滤不合格的基因数据和噪 声数据,从而对基因表达数据进行聚类分析和主成分分析,绘制相关的基因表达图谱,完成基因芯片数据表达图谱的分析,分析 结果可视化程度高,图表清晰、直观。本文主要以酿酒酵母Saccharomyces cerevisiae 为例,详细描述了利用MATLAB 7.X 生物信 息工具箱对其基因表达图谱进行分析的过程。
      The gene expression profiles is an important research tool to understand the overall gene expression and functional analysis for the genome. MATLAB 7.X Bioinformatics Toolbox supplies a comprehensive platform for analyzing and disposing gene expression data. By using statistic functions and plot functions, gene expression profiles were finally gotten from microarraydata expression analyses, such as unqualified gene and noisy datas filtering analysis, gene cluster analysis, gene principal component analysis and plotting correlative gene expression profiles. Gene principal component analysis results that the most singal focus on the first two principal components, analytic result has high degree visualization and charts are in focus and visual. In this paper, the wine yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was used for analyzing by MATLAB 7.X bioinformatics toolbox, results showed that Bioinformatics Toolbox is a powerful tool to analyze gene expression profiles.
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