李明爽赵敏△.第三代测序基本原理[J].,2012,12(10):1980-1982 |
第三代测序基本原理 |
The Mechanisms of the Third Generation Sequencing Technology |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 第三代测序 原理 问题 |
英文关键词: The third generation sequencing Mechanisms Problems |
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摘要点击次数: 3635 |
全文下载次数: 10517 |
中文摘要: |
文章阐述了以单分子实时测序和纳米孔技术为标志第三代测序的基本原理,介绍了Helicos 的Heliscope 单分子测序仪、
Pacific Bioscience 的SMRT 技术和Oxford Nanopore Technologies 公司正在研究的纳米孔单分子测序技术。与其他测序技术进行
了简单的对比以并提出一些单分子测序仍需面对的问题以及对未来单分子测序的展望。 |
英文摘要: |
In this review, I describe the mechanisms and features of the third generation sequencing technology which is a new
generation of single molecule sequencing technology, introduce the True Single Molecule Sequencing (tSMSTM) of Helicos, the Single
Molecule Real Time (SMRTTM) DNA Sequencing of the Pacific Bioscience, and the single-molecule nanopore DNA sequencing of the
Oxford Nanopore Technologies. The advantages compared with the second generation sequencing, the problems and its future perspectives
will be discussed here. |
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