孙聪李德华△ 赵喜聪冯源陈菲杨永勤.利用共振频率分析牙种植体骨愈合期稳定性变化 与早期边缘骨吸收的关系[J].,2012,12(4):664-666
利用共振频率分析牙种植体骨愈合期稳定性变化 与早期边缘骨吸收的关系
Relationship between Implants StabilityMeasured by Resonance FrequencyAnalysis (RFA) and Bone Loss During Early Healing Period
中文关键词: 种植体稳定性  共振频率分析  骨愈合期  边缘骨吸收
英文关键词: Dental implant stability  Resonance frequency analysis (RFA)  Early bone healing period  Marginal bone loss (MBL)
孙聪李德华△ 赵喜聪冯源陈菲杨永勤 第四军医大学口腔医院种植科 
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      目的:利用共振频率测量仪(Osstell) 连续监测骨愈合期种植体稳定性变化与早期边缘骨吸收的关系。方法:本研究于 2010-2011 年期间根据纳入及排除标准连续纳入32 名成年男性患者作为实验对象共植入45 枚Strauman 种植体, 每名患者选择 一颗( 4.8mm×10mm) 种植体,共计32 颗种植体,种植区位于下颌后牙(骨质均为Ⅱ或Ⅲ类骨)。利用共振频率分析仪(Osstell )测 量种植体的稳定性,测量时间点为植入时以及术后第1,2,3,4,6,8,12 周。另外,影像学分析测量32 颗种植体12 周时的边缘骨吸 收;结果:本实验中所有种植体在12 周均实现骨结合,并成功完成种植修复。通过重复性方差分析,见表1,在种植体植入时,初 期稳定系数(ISQ)均值为(79.03±6.756)。术后一周,种植体稳定系数(ISQ)均值均呈下降趋势,至术后第2 周时达到最低点,与植 入时稳定性有统计学差异(P<0.05)。从术后第3 周开始种植体稳定系数(ISQ)均值逐渐上升。其中,稳定系数(ISQ)均值在第6 周 时与第12 周无统计学差异,已达到延期稳定期。32 颗种植体在第12 周的边缘骨吸收均值为(0.86±0.068mm),而在第12 周的种 植体的稳定系数均值与种植体植入时的稳定系数均值无统计学差异。结论:本实验通过共振频率测量仪(OsstellTM)连续监测, 目 前的结果认为种植体愈合期边缘骨吸收对种植体愈合期稳定性变化没有影响。
      Objective: The aim of this study was to monitor the changes in the stability-related bone loss during the early healing period. Methods: 32consecutive adult males with a partial edentulous in the posterior mandible were recruited according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. 45 Straumann dental implants were placed and one implant per person, totally 32 implants (4.8mm×10mm). The implant stability was measured by RFA at implant insertion, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 and 12 weeks post-operatively. In addition, marginal bone loss was also investigated. Results: All the implants achieved osseintegration, uneventfully within the investigation of 12 weeks. At implant installation, the mean implant stability quotient (ISQ) value is (79.03±6.756). A decrease trend in ISQ values within the first 2 weeks followed by an increase until week 12 was observed. In the secondary stability phase the increasing slope of ISQ values reaching a plateau by the point of 6 weeks. At 6and12-week interval, the ISQ remained in a steady state and not statistically significant. In the present study, the marginal bone loss observed was (0.86±0.068mm) within the healing period of 12 weeks. However, in the present study, at 12 week and implants installation no significant difference of ISQ values could be found. Conclusions: There were no correlation between the marginal bone loss and the change of implant stability.
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