韦祝新1 李萍2△ 王仁生1 康敏1 胡凯1.鼻咽癌组织ki67 表达与外周血NK 细胞的关系及意义[J].,2011,11(18):3531-3533
鼻咽癌组织ki67 表达与外周血NK 细胞的关系及意义
Relationship between Expression of Ki-67 Protein and NK Cellof Peripheral Blood
中文关键词: 鼻咽癌  Ki67 基因  NK 细胞
英文关键词: Nasopharyngeal carcinoma  Ki-67  NK cell
韦祝新1 李萍2△ 王仁生1 康敏1 胡凯1 广西医科大学第一附属医院放疗科 
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      目的:研究鼻咽癌组织Ki67 的表达及外周血NK 细胞水平的意义。方法:检测66 例鼻咽癌组织Ki67 水平及与外周血NK 细胞的百分含量。结果:Ki67 表达阳性率为96.97%,与临床分期有关(r=0.290,P=0.030<0.05),与淋巴结转移状态相关性在统计学 上无意义(r=0.068,P=0.412>0.05);放疗前中后鼻咽癌外周NK 细胞水平差别均有统计学意义(前中、中后、前后F=0. 513,0.627,0.623, P 分别为0.005,0.004,0.000, 均<0.05);ki67 的表达与放疗后NK 细胞NK 值负相关(r=-0.433,P=0.017<0.05)。结 论:Ki67 的表达可能与临床分期有关,可能与放疗后NK 值有关;Ki67 表达与外周血NK 细胞水平可以提示鼻咽癌组织增殖活 跃程度和机体防御系统的状态。
      Objective: To investigate relationship between expression of Ki-67 protein and NK cell of peripheral blood. Methods: We detected Ki67 level of NPC tissue and NK cell percentage composition of peripheral blood in 66 NPC cases. Results: The positive rate of Ki-67 in was 96.97%, The expression intensity of Ki-67 had significant relation with the clinical stage of NPC (r=0.290, P=0. 030<0.05)and no significant relation with metastasis state of lymph (r=0.068,P=0.412>0.05). There are significance differences in the level of NK cell of peripheral blood either before or underway or after radiotherapy of NPC( the seperated F values of front part, rear part and middle part are 0.513,0.627,0.623 and the counterparts of P values are 0.005,0.004,0.000, all of which are less than 0.05). The expression intensity of Ki-67 had Negative correlation with the NK cell of peripheral blood. Conclusion: The expression intensity of Ki-67 may be related with clinical stage and NK level after radiotherapy, expression of Ki-67 protein and NK cell in peripheral blood may indicate proliferation activity of NPC tissue and status of body defense.
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